water weight

How long does a given weight need to consistently reflect on the scale before it's considered water weight? I reached a 10lb weight loss after about 6 weeks and maintained that weight for about 2-3 days. During the 7th week, the weight increased by 2 lbs. How does one factor water weight when watching the scale?

Does that make sense?


    my feeling is that water weight is still weight i count it every time
  • AWchick1286
    I've been having a problem with water weight to. For me it usually lasts 3-5 days then finally goes away. Someone told me that you need to watch your sodium which you can add that to you list of stuff to watch along with your calories. Just look at your settings. Also the days that you consume a lot of sodium drink more water. This is the first week I've tried it but it seems to be working. I quickly weighed myself this morning and lost a pound this week which is rare since it's close to my TOM. I weigh in tomorrow but I think I should be ok. Those would be my suggestions.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    When I experience weight loss, I wait a week before I post it and make it official.

    p.s. there is nothing wrong with recording your weight everyday though, to include fluctuations.