Right Size Smoothies

crabby222 Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I started using Right Size Smoothies the first week of January 2011. I did the 14 day free trial to start. The Lean Cocoa Bean flavor is outstanding and to my amazement, it worked. As a breakfast meal replacement, it was filling and lasted all the way to lunch. I have also tried the berry flavor ( pretty good as well) and the vanilla, which is very good with blueberries or banana in it.
I am full after every meal, no longer get hungry and snack late at night and have lost over 40 lbs in almost 2 months.


  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Where do you get them from?
  • I ordered them from their website...google right size smoothies. They are also available from CVS, but the selection there is limited.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Thanks for the information. I have heard of them before..but wasn't sure where they were available from. I think one of the gyms around here was selling them because I kept hearing ads on the radio.
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Wow 40 lbs in 2 weeks that seems like a lot of weight 20 lbs a month? Glad to hear but just not sure if I could do that...I'd probably kill over and die from lack off FOOD! :sad:

    Hope this works for you...but I may try the right size Smoothies if it will help with my last 10lbs - of course I'm a long way from that goal...
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Replacing any 2 meals a day with a low-cal item will result in weight loss, it's simple math.

    Watch out for the sugar levels and the crazy stuff that's in here, super long ingredient list.

    Plus found this;

    There are no customer testimonials offered on the official website.
    A pack of Right Size Smoothies only contains eight servings, which may not amount to much if some dieters are consuming two per day.
    There are no free trial samples of Right Size Smoothies offered via the official website so no users have no way to find out if the drinks taste appealing.
    Some ingredients found in Right Size Smoothies may not be suitable for some individuals.
    It doesn’t appear that a healthy diet or regular fitness regimen are encouraged with Right Size Smoothies.

    I’m glad you found something you like but this tread sounds like junk mail/spamming so…...

    EDIT: I checked the official site you just posted, can't find the ingredients which isn't cool. Other than green tea, *kitten*...something and "high protein/fiber" exact numbers aren’t there. If they are hiding something, that's not cool.
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    not to break you bubble, but isn't 40lbs in 2 months too much?? You might be starving yourself (even if you are not hungry)
  • I read that also, but I dug a bit deeper. Actually has a fair amount of nutritional value, and as a supplement to your regimen works great. None of the smoothies on the market should be used as your entire diet, but a supplement to a better selection of foods.. I usually drink a glass of water first, then have a small salad. After that, I will eat my regular food and because I am halfway full already, I don't eat as much. I also sometimes drink the smoothie with my meal and that fills me up quickly too.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    Replacing any 2 meals a day with a low-cal item will result in weight loss, it's simple math.

    Watch out for the sugar levels and the crazy stuff that's in here, super long ingredient list.

    Plus found this;

    There are no customer testimonials offered on the official website.
    A pack of Right Size Smoothies only contains eight servings, which may not amount to much if some dieters are consuming two per day.
    There are no free trial samples of Right Size Smoothies offered via the official website so no users have no way to find out if the drinks taste appealing.
    Some ingredients found in Right Size Smoothies may not be suitable for some individuals.
    It doesn’t appear that a healthy diet or regular fitness regimen are encouraged with Right Size Smoothies.

    I’m glad you found something you like but this tread sounds like junk mail/spamming so…...

    Congrats on the weight loss! I'm also glad you found something you like, just be careful is what I think people are trying to say. I checked into them too and was kind of worried when I read the ingredient list...theres a lot of unrecognizable ingredients and most bothersome was this: "Fibersol-2® is a registered trademark of Matsutani Chemical Industry Co." I don't know..."chemical industry co" worries me.
  • I keep a close watch on my nutritional intake and make sure my calories are high enough. I have a crazy amount of energy and the weight is melting off. Since I have a huge amount of weight to lose, its coming off fast. I expect it to slow as my weight decreases, but its fun getting closer to my goal every week.
  • 40 lbs in 2 months sounds great but what happens when you go back to eating regularly? ( Not junk food but regular, healthy choices) I know that when you are overweight, your try everything, I can name a list of things and they work for a moment but the results don't last and I am back to being overweight again. I am speaking from experience.

    Just be careful and make sure you know all the facts regarding the supplement.

  • The biggest benefit I see so far is these smoothies, or any other that you like, are a easy, great way to get started. I have found that I use them less as I have become more aware of the other foods I eat. and incorporate better choices in my regular meals. Thats why this site is so awesome. It gives you good, useful information and helps motivate you all along the way.
  • I would also be mindful of manufactured food stuffs like this, especially ones which promise the earth. At the end of the day we all know what we have to do to slim down, tone up and get healthy - eat and drink sensibly and exercise regularly - there really is no substitute. 1-2lb a week is plenty to lose, and this can be achieved by eating the right foods, little and often, and by finding a way to use extra calories that you really enjoy. Not necessarily easy, but surely the most natural way is best?
  • I started using RightSize in early 2011 as well. I lost a significant amount of weight (20 lbs in about 3 weeks) and it really did help me to feel full and gave me lots of energy. I dont know how it works but I've tried just eating small snacks or small meals that contained less calories than the smoothies and I didn't lose as much and I was constantly hungry. They taste great, especially for those of us who love our sweets...its like getting your sweet tooth fix without all those calories and fat. But life happened and with all the moving and personal issues I was going through, dieting was put on the back burner. I am now heavier than I've been in a very long time and I am starting RightSize again. I am very excited about seeing the weight come off again!
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
    what type of milk should I drink with this?
  • watermillion
    watermillion Posts: 87 Member
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