Is it bad to have a HR of 192 when jogging?

Throughout my life i've always enjoyed running/jogging. B4 when j was about 20,I either had problems with my breathing ( keeping my breath while jogging) or my body not wanting to keep up ( breathing fine but muscles would cramp up and he sore) but now I'm 25, started getting in shape shape, but now when I run/ jog, my breathing and muscles are fine, but my heart rate easily gets to 192. I figured it may just take a bit for the heart to strengthen again, but it's been about 2 months. As soon as I start warming up it goes to 130 then quickly goes to 160 when I start moving, then not much later it goes to 180 and it's hard to keep it there or even lower...... Anyone know if this is ok or not? And any suggestions or anything? ( I'm just on a treadmil using their monitor, don't have money to buy my own HR monitor)


  • fairyleo
    fairyleo Posts: 23 Member
    I don't think it's bad... Jillian Michael's book, Master Your Metabolism, reads, you should be reaching for 85% of your maximum heart rate (220 - your age), for intense exercise. That puts you at 195... sounds high. We'll see what others say, I'm curious. Also, how long should we keep it at that rate? 30 - 45 minutes?
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Keep in mind that the 220 - age formula is very old and is at best a stab in the dark to determine max heart rate.

    The best way to find out what your max heart rate is is to have yourself tested at a fitness lab. I think it's called a VO2 Max test. That's where they hook you up to HR monitors and attach a breathing mask to measure your breathing and respiration.