How does too much sugar impact a diet?

I was just wondering how too much sugar will impact a diet. Does it make you retain water like sodium? Does it drastically slow down weight loss? Do negative affects of sugar only start after a certain number of grams?

For my food intake I am only allowed 29 grams of sugar. I'm also having trouble keeping my sodium in line and I notice that most of the time if my sodium is okay the day then my sugar is way over and vice a versa. Recently my sugar has been way over. I know the solution to both those problems would be to cut most processed foods and try to eat all clean but personally theres only so much of it I can cut out. I'm buying the healthiest options I can find of the things I like and only eating the recommended serving sizes or less but half of it is still processed. While I try to figure out how to reduce the sugar in a way that would work for me I just wanna know how sugar impacts a diet. hope that made sense!

oh btw feel free to look at my food diary if that helps you respond!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Yes, it can also mess with water retention somewhat.

    For me, going over on sugar and simple carbs affects my eating plan mainly because I just don't feel full! You get the spike and then the crash and you're starving! So short-term, the sugar makes it hard for me to stay on plan.

    Longer-term, breaking the sugar habit is immensely helpful if your overall goal is to eat better and maintain your weight loss. You can maintain with sweet tooth, but man is it hard! If you still have the sweet tooth, you're always feeling deprived, hungry and irritable. It never becomes a lifestyle, but rather feels like a life-long diet. And that stinks!:explode:

    Health-wise, you're courting diabetes and similar problems if you aren't able to limit sugars. And don't forget that simple carbs and alcohol are basically treated like table sugar by your body. :noway:
  • monica208
    wish i had an answer for you.. im always over my sugars... i eat alot of fruit and that always puts me over my sugar... im not sure what too much sugar does but i would assume that it turns to fat but if your eating fruits i wouldnt be too worried about the sugar as its natrual sugar... i guess theres good sugar and bad such just like good fat and bad fat... i keep my sodium down cause i try my hardest to cut out processed foods but i cant live without cheese so on days that i have cheese my sodium is pretty up there...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    If the sugar is from healthy things (like fruit), I wouldn't worry about it too much- I go over my daily sugar limit if I have a banana and some pineapple! Instead, pay more attention to cutting out the "bad" sugars, in things such as candy bars and doughnuts. This kind of sugar can effect your diet because of the sugar high, then crash, that makes you feel even hungrier and want to eat more. Good luck!
  • angelarozmyn
    Look at what you're small apple has over 10g of if you're eating your recommended amount of fruit and veggies for the day, you'll be over your amount. Really focus on cutting out the processed sugar - don't worry so much about the apples and strawberries :)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Look at what you're small apple has over 10g of if you're eating your recommended amount of fruit and veggies for the day, you'll be over your amount. Really focus on cutting out the processed sugar - don't worry so much about the apples and strawberries :)

  • mwl40
    mwl40 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm relatively new to the site, where do you see your sugar, etc. goals?
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    There are two types of sugar- refined..which is in processed foods, white sugar, and basically junk food...and fruits etc.
    When you eat refined sugar is increases the hormone insulin which cleans up fat and sugar in your body and stores it for when it is needed, hence causing weight gain. So the more refined sugar you eat over your allotted amount...the more you are fighting against weight gain.

    Hope this helps...
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm relatively new to the site, where do you see your sugar, etc. goals?

    Up top there is a button called FOOD. Click there and it will give you all your totals if you've been logging your food.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I asked my doctor about sugar and she said not to worry about natural sugars (such as those in fruit and milk) but only added/processed sugars. MFP doesn't distinguish and, if you have a banana, you'll go over your allowance.
    I eat a lot of fresh fruit - meaning a lot of "sugar" - and have lost over 60 pounds in around 5 months. It wouldn't be healthy to lose faster than that so, if limiting my sugar would impact my loss, I don't think I'd want it to.
    Basically, just eat a healthy, well-balanced diet (fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats), drink water, and exercise. Unless, of course, you're diabetic or pre-diabetic, in which case you need to be more careful about sugars.

    Sodium is another story -- avoid processed, canned, or pre-packaged foods (and frozen "low fat" dinners like Healthy Choice or Lean Cuisine) as they are loaded with sodium, which causes you to retain water (making you weigh more) but also just isn't good for your health and can cause lots of problems, such as high blood pressure and other heart issues.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    thanks for the answers! im trying to cut out the "bad sugars" but its hard. the only things i can think of right now to cut out would be my cup of cafe mocha in the morning :( my quaker caramel rice cakes :(:( and mykellog chocolate peanutbutter protein meal bar :sad: those are the only "treats" i allow myself. sigh oh well
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I took a look at your diary for a few days, and your sugars didn't look bad at all. You don't eat a lot of sugary sweet stuff. Question: Can they make your cafe mocha with splenda? As someone who has type 2 diabetes, I can honestly say your sugars really don't look bad. With the exception of the cafe mocha, I eat the other things too, with no problem. Sticking with good sugars that come naturally in fruits and veggies is best. But there is also sugar in pasta, breads, etc. No big deal as long as you consume in moderation. I would focus more on curbing the sodium intake by preparing your own foods more and using processed foods less.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    no i wish i could make it myself but the cafe mocha comes from one of those office coffee machines so everything happens inside there lolll. the sodium is a WHOLE other story smh. ill get it eventually!