Killing myself for what??

millyliza Posts: 45 Member
So I've been on MFP since January 4th. I bust my butt working out 6 days a week alternating 30 Day Shred, Biggest Loser on the Wii, Just Dance 2, the elliptical, and running with my niece. I have only seen a loss of about 10 pounds and an inch or 2 but to me that's not enough considering my workouts last at least an hour if not more. I pour buckets of sweat!!!! I'm burning 700-1000 calories a night. I'm killing myself for nothing, or so it seems. My husband works in PA and we live in TX and he has been gone for 6 weeks and I was expecting to see some progress after all this hard work! Am I being unrealistic? I'm also trying to eat as healthy as I can. Any advice and motivation will be greatly appreciated!!


  • Anything over 30 mins cardio at a time is a waist. If you want to do 1 hour a day do 30mins in the morning and 30mins at night. Also, you need to make sure your are eating a fair share of your exercise calories or your body will go into starvation mode.
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Hon, I know it can get discouraging when the scale doesn't move, but you have to remember that if you are eating enough healthy food (make sure you are continuing to fuel your body when you work out so you don't have a huge definciency every day from your exercise), you are doing your body so much good inside too! Your muscles are getting stronger, your heart is getting stronger. All these things don't show up on a scale. Eating right and regular exercise can only be beneficial in the long run!!!

    Don't give up!!!!! It will pay off I promise!!!!
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    That's well over a pound per week! Keep up the good work!
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    Anything over 30 mins cardio at a time is a waist. If you want to do 1 hour a day do 30mins in the morning and 30mins at night. Also, you need to make sure your are eating a fair share of your exercise calories or your body will go into starvation mode.

    why is anything over 30 mins a waste?
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Are you eating enough calories for the amount of exercise you are doing. I had the same problem and finally went to the doctor yesterday. My trainer along with others on this site were always saying to not eat your exercise calories. Well, I learned my lesson! Yesterday I found out my potassium and sodium were dangerously low from all the exercising and not eating enough. After exercising I was only eating a net calorie count of 700-800 calories. I was in starvation mode and my body was holding on to everything I ate. She bumped up my calories and told me to at least eat part of the exercise calories. If you aren't eating enough with all the calories you are burning exercising you wont lose. Many people disagree. I learned the hard way. You have to be careful who you listen to.
  • Ok, maybe bad wording, it wouldnt be a total waiste per se....

    "The most productive fat burning cardio session should last between 20-30 minutes, TOPS. If you can go longer than this, that means that you’re probably not working hard enough at it. Remember quality over quantity. That is a mantra to live by when exercising. It’s not so much what you do that counts, it’s how well you do it.

    Again, the main reason for keeping cardio brief is so that you can perform it better and at a more intense pace. It makes sense that it should be easier to maintain a “working hard” pace if you’re only doing it for 20 minutes versus an hour. Take running, for example. If you knew you only had to run for 20 minutes, wouldn’t you be more willing to work harder for that 20 minutes. If you had to run for an hour, you would go nice and slow to try and pace yourself.

    Whatever form of cardio you do, work very hard at it for the 20 minutes."
  • lbares
    lbares Posts: 8 Member
    Please do not get discouraged. I did not see significant weight loss for at least 4 months, then things really started to happen! I felt muscle begin to develop and cardiac benefits before I really saw the needle move on the scale. Woman to woman, make sure you are not working against a birth control (hormone) method that may be making things more difficult for you. Also, check your thyroid. Real change and benefits will take time. From what it sounds like, you are doing great!
  • 3b3rly
    3b3rly Posts: 2 Member
    Keep up the good work. 10 lbs is 10 lbs! Like the others said, make sure you are eating enough to not go into starvation mode. You could also try reducing the number of carbs you are eating. Get your calories from low carb foods.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Ten pounds in 7 weeks really is making progress in a healthy way. I do understand your frustration for the amount of effort you are putting in and would suggest maybe you drop back to 2-3 times a week rather than 6 days a week. The other part of the equation of course is the number (and type) of calories that you taking in; typically people are not eating enough and their body stalls. If you are burning 800-1000 calories a day then you should be eating back at least 1/2 of those on top of what MFP suggests based on your BMR calculations. I found great success last year by eliminating white flour and white sugar from my diet. I started January 4, 2010 and had lost by goal of 40 pounds by August. I am now in maintenance mode. My food diary is public if that will help you in any way. I always encourage folks to eat the perimeter of the grocery store: fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and dairy! Stay away from processed food and drink lots of water every day. I admire your hard work and encourage you to find what will enable you to stick with this new lifestyle rather than killing yourself.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am sorry that the program is not giving you the results that you want and expected. We are all different and our bodies don't respond the same to eating healthy and working out.

    However, I would gently ask you to give it more time since you have been in this program for less than 2 months. This is a journey to be and stay healthy for the rest of our lives, not only an instant reward. You are very young and if you want to stay fit well into your middle age and beyond, you need to star now and keep going.

    Since your diary is not public, I can't give you any suggestion about the foods that you are eating, but I am sure that they are healthy.

    Eat your goal calories and at leas 1/2 of your exercises calories, and don't eat less than 1200 calories a day. Some people in this forum are using zigzag calories and they are happy with the results (one day you eat more than others). You may like to try that.

    Change your exercise routine and add more weight training. Above all don't give up! I understand your frustration because although I reached my goal weight on December (didn't have a lot to loose), I am now trying to get rid of excess body fat and to get more toned. Isn’t working too much either, so I am frustrated too. I am not giving up either, and neither should you. I have children much older than you, so I can do it, you can do too and probably better.
  • You have lost 10 punds in 7 weeks that is 1.42 per week, I think you are doing very well. Plus isn't it better to lose it slowly and keep it off than losing quickly and regaining it. You need to see your weight loss as a long term aim and lifestyle choice not short term goal. I know what it is like to keep dieting and not lose the weight but it is no good hitting yourself with a stick about it, just carry on. And to answer your question I suppose you are killing yourself for yourself - if not it's a waste of time doing it in the first place.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Ok, maybe bad wording, it wouldnt be a total waiste per se....

    "The most productive fat burning cardio session should last between 20-30 minutes, TOPS. If you can go longer than this, that means that you’re probably not working hard enough at it. Remember quality over quantity. That is a mantra to live by when exercising. It’s not so much what you do that counts, it’s how well you do it.

    Again, the main reason for keeping cardio brief is so that you can perform it better and at a more intense pace. It makes sense that it should be easier to maintain a “working hard” pace if you’re only doing it for 20 minutes versus an hour. Take running, for example. If you knew you only had to run for 20 minutes, wouldn’t you be more willing to work harder for that 20 minutes. If you had to run for an hour, you would go nice and slow to try and pace yourself.

    Whatever form of cardio you do, work very hard at it for the 20 minutes."
    Where are you getting this information from??
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    measure yourself... that may speak louder than the pounds... you could be losing more then you think, but in the inches!
  • Ok, maybe bad wording, it wouldnt be a total waiste per se....

    "The most productive fat burning cardio session should last between 20-30 minutes, TOPS. If you can go longer than this, that means that you’re probably not working hard enough at it. Remember quality over quantity. That is a mantra to live by when exercising. It’s not so much what you do that counts, it’s how well you do it.

    Again, the main reason for keeping cardio brief is so that you can perform it better and at a more intense pace. It makes sense that it should be easier to maintain a “working hard” pace if you’re only doing it for 20 minutes versus an hour. Take running, for example. If you knew you only had to run for 20 minutes, wouldn’t you be more willing to work harder for that 20 minutes. If you had to run for an hour, you would go nice and slow to try and pace yourself.

    Whatever form of cardio you do, work very hard at it for the 20 minutes."
    Where are you getting this information from??

    Not only have I been told this many times by trainers, even my kids p.e .teachers tell them this, but if you search for cardio online many sites will tell you the same thing. Anyway, I'm not trying to start any arguments with anyone, in the long run it is always better to split your lengthy cardio sessions into smaller ones because it prolongs the effect.
  • That's some good advice from Holton. I can tell you from my own experience that any time I have overdone it - and for me, six days a week at 60 minute each is too much - my body has "stalled out" in the weigh loss department. When I was training for a half marathon ten years ago, I was running 3-5 miles during the week and a long run on Saturday - 10 miles! I only lost five pounds during the three months of training and after I returned to 3x a week half hour workouts, I gained 15 pounds... I don't think i was eating enough to gain that weight afterwards, I just think the body doesn't like that kind of constant stress and goes into "protection mode".

    Maybe you could alternate aerobic exercise with weight training? I know several programs that advocate that approach to give muscles and the body time to recoup. In any case, I wouldn't fret over "only a ten pound loss." If you'd never started something, well you still have that ten pounds on you, right? so YEA for ten pounds!!! :D
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    quoted above: Not only have I been told this many times by trainers, even my kids p.e .teachers tell them this, but if you search for cardio online many sites will tell you the same thing. Anyway, I'm not trying to start any arguments with anyone, in the long run it is always better to split your lengthy cardio sessions into smaller ones because it prolongs the effect.

    For myself I have more success in circuit training... mixing cardio and weight training... I got the idea from Jillian Michaels website... however people respond different to different types of exercise depending on your body type.... the shape of your body really tells you what is best...

    Jillians website will give you a basic free assessment without signing up to get a good idea what foods to eat and type of exercise you should do.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    Wow, I live in PA and my husband works in TX!! ;) Hang in there!! It seems easy to say but try not to get discouraged. I think you may need to add more produce and healthy fat to your diet.. That may spark up your metabolism. Maybe eggs in the morning or a high protein cereal like Go Lean crunch?? Maybe try eating more frequent smaller meals?? This is all trial and error until you figure out what keeps you satisfied and losing weight!! :flowerforyou:
  • I tried that jillian michaels site. It said it was going to give me a free assessment, but then it basically said eat less, exercise more and that for any extra info there would be a subscription. I am more than happy to be here for free!!!

    I also find circuit training to be excellent.

    You are right though, there are people who respond better to the long and steady routine and others who respond better to the shorter high intesnsity workouts. In the future I will try no to be so close minded.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I do not think you were close minded at all.... You believe strongly in what works for you... I tend to do that too.. but was reminded by a co-worker that she responds better to cardio... nothing wrong about being enthusiastic with what works for you!
  • Don't forget you are also building muscle.
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