If i'm full and my food was filling why do I want to keep ea

phyllis45 Posts: 25
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
I looked at my food today and it is good I had a great breakfast excellent lunch a great dinner and a good dessert all within my calorie limit and dietary needs. I had enough protein enough fats not over all was good.................but sometimes after I eat I find my hunger not being able to shut off my hunger wants to keep on eating when I say now "m good. Maybe I need a hobby? I'm tired of this inner fight. I not only want to be a healthy weight I want a healthy push it away I'm done I don't need or require any more food attitude. This is a struggle everyday I'm determined!!!! Thanks for letting me get it out and vent.


  • chleonie
    chleonie Posts: 1 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I find eating comforting which is obviously a problem.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    Emotional eating...do you control the food or does the food control you?
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
    Isn't that the Question of the Ages! I have the same issue. I just get some kind of satisfaction from the act/action of eating that has nothing to do with bodily hunger. Sometimes chewing gum helps. I am looking forward to more responses to your question. Maybe there will be some tips that work for me to "scratch that itch" without the unneeded caloric energy for my body to store away.....
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    How much activity do you generally do? Usually the more active your daily routines are, the more fuel the body requires to perform those tasks.
  • I find that when I get bored, I want to eat. :P
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    A tip that has helped me is to drink a low or no calorie drink when I think I'm hungry at the end of the day....sparkling water, decaf coffee or tea. Then, evaluate in 10-15 minutes if you're still hungry
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Maybe you are eating too fast, sometimes purposely slowing down the eating can help the satisfaction feeling to present itself.

    Otherwise, yes you probably need a hobby as boredom is my problem with eating at night. I started crochet and knitting and currently have costumes to make for my son's birthday party.

    BUT how long have you been doing this because eventually you will get used to the lower calorie intake and you just have to work through it until that moment comes.
  • I love love love to go to the gym I' there evry morning from 5:30 am to 7:00 am sometimes I burn anywhere from 300-900 cals I'm afraid to tap into that if I feel hungry after my daily non exercise cals cause I have thyroid disease and I'm menapausaul and I'm afraid I'll only gain.
  • mind over hunger. dont even think its really hunger. its bordom or just a sence of missing something. i wish there was a cure for that feeling that you describe.
  • There's actually a scientific reason to this I read on cracked.com, when you eat you're body is ignoring everything else, this was useful to ignore any injuries you got when getting the food back in the cave days. Now it's just a plague that makes us fat :grumble:
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Find a hobby that keeps your hands busy. I spend a lot of time reading MFP when I get the munchies. Also, get rid of all the "convience" food. it helps. I really have to decide if those chips and dips are worth a trip to the store!
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I used to be like that where I'm hungry after eating and want a snack. Since MFP I will enter my calories and if I have room for a snack great!! If not I will either go for a half hour walk/jog so that I can have a snack or I will have tea or water with True orange to satisfy the sweet craving. With the water it fills me up.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    For one, you should be eating back at least some of your exercise calories. Drink a LOT of water during and between meals. When I do that I have a hard time finishing my meals. pinkgigi is right though... you're body does adjust to the deficit over time...
  • jesslaur75
    jesslaur75 Posts: 75 Member
    You know, a lot of people equate eating healthy with eating boring. That makes for really unsatisfying meals so even though you meet your daily needs, you still feel unsatisfied. Also, sometimes you just want something sweet and sometimes you just want some chocolate.
    I always experiment with lots of fresh herbs and spices. I also experiment with all kinds of different ethnic foods. This keeps lots and lots of flavor in my life so I am never bored and keeps me satisfied. I was dying for a gyro the other day but obviously this is not something that falls within the acceptable calorie range if I want to be able to eat anything else the rest of the day. So, I looked up all of the spices that go into the meat and added them ground turkey, which I made into a burger and cooked in one tsp of olive oil. I made a non-fat yogurt dressing with fresh mint and cucumber. I added sliced tomato and red onion on a half whole pita and I was satisfied! It wasn't huge and I stuck to my calories, but it filled the gap.
    I've found it's the flavors of things that I miss, not the fat. If you look at the recipe for the fat version and substitute olive oil for butter and lean meats for the fattier ones you can have anything you want.
  • well, it is actually scientifically proven that sometimes when we think we are hungry...we are actually thirsty. It's like our brain cant tell the difference and makes us think we want something to eat. So my suggestion is when its late at night, grab a drink and see if that helps. It helps me a ton at night, plus its water so its not like it is going to ruin your hard days work. ive it a try. Sparkling water always helps me because its flavored, plus there is nothing in it. No carb,cals, sodium....all our worst enemies at times lol.

    Hope this helps!
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