momof26 Posts: 83
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I have been so bad this week. I'm having some problems ever since my 7 month old was born and I'm going to the dr on Monday and hope I can get some anwers. That's been keeping me from exercise this week and I've been so busy with dr appointments for my sons and looking for a house that I've been forgetting about myself. For dinner I had honeynut cheerios and 1% milk....did bad at lunch because we were on the go and had a cereal bar for breakfast because I was on the go to a dr appointment. Got watermelon in the fridge but I'm too full to eat! Drank only one glass of water today. BAD, I know!

Can someone give me any advice to get back on track? Keep in mind that I had a baby 7 months ago, still have the baby pooch, and he was 10 lbs when he was born! So, losing this weight is HARD for me! Thank in an advance!



  • Oh, I also stay home 24/7 with my boys, no gym membership because we can't afford it, and I'm getting bored with exercise tv. Sounds like a great excuse but it's the truth. :)
  • You just keep at it, girly..It is hard at first. But you need to take some time at first to work out a little and that will hopefully relieve some stress and slowly get yourself back on track , while taking care of your family. Just remember working out and eating right is necessary so you also be a good mommy..You totally deserve it!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    Sounds like you got alot on your plate right now. Personally, if you're *really* running around that much, I'd suggest focusing on getting in a proper diet first. That's going to be key. You'll get your routine down at some point and then it'll be easier to figure out when to fit in the workouts. I've been there... I get it and stressing over adding one more thing is just going to wear you out and wear you down and make it harder to lose overall.

    :: hugs ::

    It WILL settle down. I promise. :-)
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Oh, I also stay home 24/7 with my boys, no gym membership because we can't afford it, and I'm getting bored with exercise tv. Sounds like a great excuse but it's the truth. :)

    Zumba - totally. Lots of fun and does NOT feel like a workout. You can get DVD's or video game versions and even on your own it's a blast.
  • I had a 9 1/2 pound boy about 8 months ago so I relate! Since your busy-ness seems to be your obstacle I would focus on having foods ready and prepared that you can grab and eat on the go. Can you wash/cut fruits and veggies after the boys go to bed? Also, I eat when the baby does, but do it "healthier" for me....he eats cereal for breakfast while I eat my oatmeal, I make a quick low cal but filling sandwich and eat while he has his lunch, he eats whole-milk yogurt while I eat fat-free, etc... If I get to the end of the day and enter my calories in the food diary and see I've gone over, I squeeze in a quick workout before bed...not ideal, but compensating somewhat for the day. Seems to be working tho-I'm on track losing a pound a week still! Good luck to you!
  • There really is no "secret" or "quick fix" - you JUST HAVE TO DO IT. If you ate bad one day, don't let it be an excuse, just eat better the next time. You are only going to get results by doing. I learned this the hard way myself. You don't have to do exercise all at once. Just do five minutes here, ten there, through out the day. It could be doing jumping jacks, running in place, or even silly dancing with your kids. JUST MOVE SOME HOW. Sweat a little. Just because you aren't using weights or doing fancy aerobic steps doesn't mean it doesn't count as exercise :) That is the best advice I can give you. Hope it helps :)

    PS: I hope you read this in a motivational speaker tone, not harsh. I reread it and was worried it sounded harsh, not suppose too, I swear!! haha sorry :) its happy tone!!
  • I had a 9 1/2 pound boy about 8 months ago so I relate! Since your busy-ness seems to be your obstacle I would focus on having foods ready and prepared that you can grab and eat on the go. Can you wash/cut fruits and veggies after the boys go to bed? Also, I eat when the baby does, but do it "healthier" for me....he eats cereal for breakfast while I eat my oatmeal, I make a quick low cal but filling sandwich and eat while he has his lunch, he eats whole-milk yogurt while I eat fat-free, etc... If I get to the end of the day and enter my calories in the food diary and see I've gone over, I squeeze in a quick workout before bed...not ideal, but compensating somewhat for the day. Seems to be working tho-I'm on track losing a pound a week still! Good luck to you!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    just stick with it. You need to look up several places that you can grab something healthy low cal when you are out and about, look up the nutritional info and keep these as your go tos, ex , I go to I love terriyaki ( rice bowl 560 cal I only 1/2 at a time) taco bell(soft chicken tacos fresco style 150 cals each) wendys ( chili 330 cals) these are some of my go tos, also grab on apple or banana and some cereal bars to take with you. You can also run into a store quickly and grab yogurt and fresh fruit. and as for the exercise when you are out running errands park further away so that you have to walk a ways to get to each appt, it all adds up. Then do a quick 10 mins in the evening. I hope this helps
  • misaacs6403
    misaacs6403 Posts: 9 Member
    Brittany - Having kids and trying to stay on track is really hard! I had two kids and three step children and raised all of them. My life consisted of being a taxi driver for the last 14 years. I never went to the gym, constantly trying to diet - even joined weight watchers and lost the weight but it all came back on because I spent most of my weekends at gymnastic competitions, baseball games, basketball games and soccer games. I ate out of the concession stands alot. So here is my advice now that I am almost 50 and all my kids have graduated from high school and now are either married or in college. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF EVERYDAY - even if it is a quick 15 min bath (I did that often and the kids knew that was MY time). You will become involved with your kids lives and end up at ballgames eating from the concession stand. TAKE FOOD WITH YOU FROM HOME - MAKE A COOLER. Bring healthly snacks for you and the kids. This sounds crazy but do squats when you dry your hair. I know when the kids nap you want to nap with them but if you will just go buy a $10 DVD at walmart and workout 3 times a week for an hour, you will lose the weight. I am a huge fan of the biggest loser and have bought most of their DVD's and cookbooks. It has helped me alot. The DVD's are awesome and cheap. Love Bobs Boot Camp DVD. Give them a try because trying to go to the gym when you have small children is almost impossible if you work also. I am always here for you if you need any help! Marianne(misaacs6403)
  • misaacs6403
    misaacs6403 Posts: 9 Member
    I totally agree witht he Zumba - def. worth the money for a dvd. LOVE Zuma.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Portions, Portions, Portions!!! Actually... cut out 2 of those!! :)
    I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and it is NOT easy to eat right.... but I find that even when I'm eating "wrong" I can just cut the portions down and still lose weight NO PROBLEM. Anytime we go out to eat recently I split my meal with my youngest kid. Half a cheeseburger for me and half a cheeseburger for her! She does NOT need a whole meal... and NEITHER DO I! Cutting the meal in half cuts the calories in half and, hopefully, will eventually cut ME in half! :)

    Good Luck!
  • I totally get it! running around out of the the house with no time to pack real food and you dont want to hit the drive though especially if your super hungry. If you have time take snack baggies and fill them with one serving each of your fav veggies or a slice of low fat lunch meat and a slice of cheese, nuts, have drinkable yogurts on hand too! That way if you have a hectic week coming up you can grab one of each and toss it into a thermal lunch sack and go! the same for the little one. Have you ever had Cliff bars they're around 230cal and they hold you over pretty good, my favorite is carrot cake it taste real close to the real good.

    good luck, but Im sure youll be back on track in no time! Karem
  • Thanks guys! I'm going to try all of that and hope I can get back on track. It's super hard once you lose your motivation! Thanks again. :)
  • alexcarrera
    alexcarrera Posts: 1 Member
    Karem is completely on the ball on this one, preparing for the future is whats important you never know whats going to happen, I always have a protein bar, a serving of my protein shake, and a fruit or veggie with me...even when i go shopping or the me a reason to not pass by the food court.
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Totally feel ya girl, I have 3 kids and am a stay at home mommy too. I started off with workout dvds and love kickboxing! Moved on to walking then running and eventually joined a gym. My 'me' time, the only time I get to be selfish and just worry about me for an hour. If you don't take care of you no one else will, then u find yourself looking at a pic of someone that you don't recognize! And say who is that, that's not me! Been there girl, its all simple math no matter what u eat good or bad, burn more cals than u eat! Eventually u work your way up to quality but it takes time don't beat yourself up:-)
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