Need help with a problem

Well i got accept into my law enforcement program here at my college and i need to do certain things to actually start i can do most of it but one thing which is push ups. I havent done a push up since 8th grade and that has been 5 years for me. I found out i can only do the normal push ups. I was wondering what i can do to be able to do 15 push ups without really killing myself and plus i have til middle of march of this year which is really short notice for me at least. Thanks everyone. :)


  • suziehomemaker
    do chest exercises, example chest flies on the ball with 10 lbs) and keep trying to do the pushups eventually you will be able to do more and more
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    Police training can be rough, I did 8 weeks of it b4 I found out I was preggers.

    Push ups, sit ups and running are the core things you will need to have down pat

    start with doing the Girl version of push ups to build up your arms. If you have weights use them to bulk up your arms
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    I am also in law enforcement and was not in shape at all when I joined. Begin by doing push ups against the wall. Slowly work yourself down towards the ground. I would do at least 20 pushups a day. Maybe week one against a wall, week 2 on a kitchen sink, week 3 on a bench, and then all the way down to the floor. you can do it! Good luck!!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    Well i got accept into my law enforcement program here at my college and i need to do certain things to actually start i can do most of it but one thing which is push ups. I havent done a push up since 8th grade and that has been 5 years for me. I found out i can only do the normal push ups. I was wondering what i can do to be able to do 15 push ups without really killing myself and plus i have til middle of march of this year which is really short notice for me at least. Thanks everyone. :)

    Try this program. it gradually increases the number you do according to what you are capable of now.
  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Do some arm strengthing weight training to build the muscles in you arms. I was only able to do like 2 but after lifting I am able to do more now! Blessings!
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Do push ups everyday. Start with one rep on the first day. Every 2-3 days, add 1 rep. Try it on your knees first. You will be doing 15 push ups in no time. Also, I don't know your weight but losing weight will help also.
  • alysen2012
    Well my weight right now is 245 but i am losing weight left and right and i am not to sure since i havent weighed myself for about a month or so.
  • tjarzy
    tjarzy Posts: 3 Member
    Do you go to the gym? Use the bar on the smith machine to do modified push ups...,move the bar to shoulder height...when you go down make sure the bar is at eye level. Do 3 sets of 10-12.

    If you do not have access to the gym start with modified push ups on your knees. Also, like someone said before chest press with dumbbells are good!