BMR versus the calulator number

shanalc Posts: 8 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all (I am new here)

Quick question of the moment - why is my BMR number higher (by a signifigant number, about 140 calories) than the number MFP is giving me as a base.

Is it because I have a sedentary job? Something screwy? Do I need to eat more because of this difference?

Thank you!


  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    It means you should decrease your calorie consumption by 140 each day to reach your weight loss goal.

    Keep in need to add in your exercises for the day. Even housework counts and walking back and forth from place to place.

    The base calories used to calculate your food intake is based on lying in bed in a near vegetative state while trying to lose weight. LOL.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    It does all seem a bit confusing at first but this is why -

    Your BMR is the basic amount that your body would burn if you laid in bed all day, did not eat anything, did not go to the bathroom - basically did not actually live. When MFP calculates, it uses your activity level (which I think you said was sedentary?) to then calculate the amount of calories that you are likely to burn in a day. For example - your BMR may be 1300kcal (note these are completely made up numbers), then your total estimated energy expenditure may be 2000kcal per day.

    The goal calorie intake that you have listed on MFP takes into account a deficit to help you lose weight, based on the goals you set. If you put 1lb weight loss per week, your deficit will be 600kcal per day, if you put 2lbs per week the deficit will be 1200kcal per day. However MFP does not allow a calorie restriction of less than 1200kcal so the deficit may not exactly match up.

    Basically, your daily baseline calorie goal will be your estimated TOTAL energy expenditure (not BMR) minus your deficit to allow for weight loss.
  • shanalc
    shanalc Posts: 8 Member
    Ah, ok, thanks everyone
  • shanalc
    shanalc Posts: 8 Member
    Beyond walking to and from the train to my job, and my exercise, yup, I am sedentary in terms of job.
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