thigh burn?

Does anyone else thighs burn when they use them- running- stairs- elliptical- yoga? Its always the first part of my body that wants to give up and the one that takes the longest to stop hurting. Do i just need to push through the pain and in time they wont hurt so much?


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Try some strength training. Doing leg press, leg extension and leg curls will all give you increased strength in your quads and hamstrings.
  • anyssao
    the burning is a sign that the muscles are working. and yes, you will be sore for a day or two after. any longer than a few days and you should go see a doctor to make sure you didn't strain or pull anything. the burning is from lactic acid built up in your muscles. this happens when you exercise to an anaerobic level. (meaning your body isn't using oxygen to make energy).

    some tips for dealing with the soreness afterward?
    take a warm bath or a long hot shower, or take a hot tub if you have access to one.
    massage the area gently, if you have a tennis ball, roll it over the sore area, it really helps to release the tension.

    try not to exercise the same muscles two days in a row, they need time to heal... but yoga is WONDERFUL for stretching out sore muscles, if you ever have a day when you feel like you can't walk because your thighs are so sore (yes, we have ALL been there) do some yoga, take extra time to stretch, it will feel so much better after.

    hope this helps!