
KCBollard Posts: 23 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been working out more for months now, and even more so since I have started working with a trainer to give me a push in the lifting department, and even nutrition, but I'm stuck at 169 - 170 mark.

I've been eating pretty well, upping my protein, and working out a lot, yet I cannot seem to break this barrier.

Any tips?


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    if you're lifting.. there's a good chance it will stay the same for a bit as your gaining muscle. However, it should drop with in a reasonable amount of time, because muscles use more energy.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I faced multiple plateaus along my weight loss journey and believe most others do as well; it is just part of the process. What I learned along the way though was to up my calories (yes, I said UP your calories) for a few days, then lower them back to where MFP suggests based on BMR. When you zig zag your calorie intake it sort of kick starts your body (I don't know the reasons why, I just know it worked several times for me!). As always, be sure you are eating back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories, eat healthy foods not processed and drink lots of water! Good luck to you and don't let this get you down. We have all been there and I am proof that you can and will break the plateau if you just stick with it! I made my goal last year and now in maintenance mode.
  • Agree - take a 'few days off' and go over your calorie allowance, then go back to the controlled diet - it tricks your metabolism out of its 'I am getting used to this intake' mode its in now.
  • PS - you can also do this every other day for a short time - one day under or on your calorie count, one day over - again it should kick start the metabolism agian
  • KCBollard
    KCBollard Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks, everyone!! :smile:
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