Wake up and workout

I am doing P90 (Day 12). The only time I am able to workout is right when I get up, around 5 am. So everyday I go to bed no later than 10 pm and I get up about 4:50 am. Then I immediately get dressed and go do my workout. The first week it was easy hopping out of bed and getting to it. This week, however, I just want to stay in bed and keep sleeping. And then when I do get up, I feel like I am not getting enough out of my workout. Either I am yawning the whole time or I can't even keep my eyes open.

Anyone else workout first thing in the morning? What things do you do to keep yourself motivated and energized?


  • gavin03
    I work out every morning at 4:30. I actually go to a gym. I get up at 3:50. Pretty crazy I know. I work out for 1hr and half. Then I come home and can start my day. I have three children so this is the only time I can go. I hate working out at night. So I go before my husband leaves for work. Keep up the good work.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I am doing the same time as you and have been for about 45 days. I don't know if I can say I like it but I don't have any other time in my schedule either. Now it has become a habit and I actually wake up most days before my alarm. On weekends I sleep until about 7 but still workout in the morning. I think I just feel so much better and have dropped 15 pounds and that is my motivation. Also logging my exercise and having my MFP friends comment keeps me accountable. Good luck! Add me as a friend if you'd like and we can compare notes as we do this thing!!
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    My main thing to tell you is to keep going. I think some of it your body is still adjusting to being able to do that. Personally for me since I do something very similar, I have to be in bed by 9 and try to be asleep no later than 10. Congratulations on day 12 and keep up the good work.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hi Reebs!

    I workout in the morning too, and I find that I need to eat a little something first or else I lack energy during the workout. I get up between 5:45 and 6:00 and immediately eat a small snack - 1/2 cup of yogurt plus a small amount of fruit ( 1/2 banana or 1/2 cup of blueberries or strawberries). Then I give it about 30 minutes to settle, while I sip some water to rehydrate myself after not drinking for 8 hours. I find that really helps me get moving in the morning... And I've NEVER, I mean NEVER IN MY LIFE been a morning person.

    If I have a really rough morning, I might even have a little coffee (very little, maybe 6 oz.) before I workout for a little boost, but I usually don't need it.
  • Crystel22
    Crystel22 Posts: 242 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning myself. I find it hard for me to get out of bed as well. My problem is I have to get out of bed, I have kids to get up and ready for school. That is my motivation to get up. I do tell myself everyday that I need to get out of bed and do my mile. I want to lose the weight and tone. That is all of the motivation I need.

    Just keep tellig yourself that you have a goal to meet so you need to do it.

    Good Luck!!!!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm Day 80 with Power90.

    Is there any way you can do it in the evenin'? I remember tryin' to do it at 4am before I had to head out of town with work - and it didn't work very well. I was sooo sleepy.

    Do you eat before you workout? Give your body enough time to wake up before you push play?

    I usually drink a hot green tea, and 1 cup of cooked oatmeal before my am workout. & than eat my post workout food.

    I hope this helps somewhat. I reached '20lbs loss' yesterday with Power90, and I have 10 days left and aimin' for more :smile:
  • deandt
    deandt Posts: 20
    You could try some real energy drinks such as viper


    My friend who is a body builder swears but this kind of stuff.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I get up a 4:30 and spend about 30min, going to the restroom, stretching, and just waking up, then I jump on the nordictrack. Yes sometimes it's hard getting up and doing it every day, if I'm starting to wear down I will make sure and go to bed an extra 30min early one day of the week. And of course sleep in on the weekends. I ALWAYS feel energised after my workout.
  • HotMomma86
    I find it so much easier to work out first thing in the morning. Even if I eat 2 hours before working out, I get sick to my stomach. I am a member of another forum with a weight loss group and when I wake up, while still in bed, I browse the forum. It gives me the motivation to get up and keep at it. Plus, I weigh myself every day. It motivates me to want to keep seeing that number go down.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Wake Up: 430AM
    Out the door: 455AM
    Start Workout: 5:15AM (Usually do 45 minutes of cardio and 30 mins of strength)
    I add FRS to my work out drink at 5:15AM and then I add in another one around 1PM. My tired time is shortly after lunch if I skip my FRS in the afternoon I'm exhausted all day. I do this M-F and sometimes on Saturdays. I skip FRS on Sundays so I give my body a break. Sometimes if I'm really tired during a workout I take a day off to get a little extra rest and then hit it hard. I try P90X but doesn't work with my plan. Good workout but have to commit a lot of time. congrats on sticking to a plan!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I get up at 5AM to work out also. I really don't hate it. Yes, my bed is warm, but that hour and a half in the morning until the kids get up at 6:30 is my ONLY peace and quiet time all day. And I like spending that time working out and then in peaceful devotion. It works for me. :) Last night was late, hubby and I watched a movie and I didn't get to bed until almost 11. So I know I'll be tired today...but if all goes well, maybe he'll get up with the little one tomorrow and let me sleep! :)
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    I would love to exercise in the morning during the week, I just don't get to bed early enough! I get up about 6 ish, leave the house by 6.45 to catch a train at 7.08 to be in London at 7.50, to be at work for 8.30. I leave work at 5.30pm, catch a train at 6, get to the station at 6.45, get a lift from hubby and be home at 7! So...... During the week, I would love to be able to get up in the morning and do a workout but i am rubbish at early mornings. At the moment I do it when I get home but that means i don't eat my dinner straight away and when i've finished I REALLY NEED MY DINNER! I do have a pre-workout snack on the train though so I have energy to exercise, its tough though.

    At the weekend , i LOVE getting up early (well early for me for a weekend anyway!) and do a BIG workout while hubby and the dog are still sleeping. Then i'll have breakfast and take the dog for a really long walk - Sunday mornings I go for a swim first thing which is SOOOOOOOOOOO nice.

    I envy you guys who manage to get up so early to exercise as I would love to do my workout before work - i feel so energised afterwards!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I too work out in the morning...My husband and I get up around 5:15 and rather than just jumping out of bed and "pushing play", I get up and pack my lunch for the day, maybe empty the dishwasher and just kinda piddle around for a few just to get me "awake"...THEN, what really helps me is prior to working out, I go and brush my teeth! I don't know why, but it is what really helps me.

    It get's me out of sleepy mode and gives me energy. I recommend trying this, it will help!!

    Good Luck!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I do the exact same thing, except I am doing P90X and I am on day 58 and I wake up at 4:15am.

    First, I really try to get to bed around 9pm. I have my clothes ready for me when I wake up. The main thing that motivates me is that I have had "perfect attendance" so I do not want to mess that up. Also, I like that I am in a MUCH better mode when I workout in the morning. And I like coming home from work and being able to dive right into other tasks.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    I am doing P90 (Day 12). The only time I am able to workout is right when I get up, around 5 am. So everyday I go to bed no later than 10 pm and I get up about 4:50 am. Then I immediately get dressed and go do my workout. The first week it was easy hopping out of bed and getting to it. This week, however, I just want to stay in bed and keep sleeping. And then when I do get up, I feel like I am not getting enough out of my workout. Either I am yawning the whole time or I can't even keep my eyes open.

    Anyone else workout first thing in the morning? What things do you do to keep yourself motivated and energized?

    I do about the same thing as you, but I go to bed a little earlier. This week has been terrible for me too. Maybe next week will be better? I will get my workout done after work tho since I decided to sleep longer today. So I guess that's what keeps me motivated, usually...i just like to get my workout done early in the day.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I get up at 5AM to work out also. I really don't hate it. Yes, my bed is warm, but that hour and a half in the morning until the kids get up at 6:30 is my ONLY peace and quiet time all day. And I like spending that time working out and then in peaceful devotion. It works for me. :) Last night was late, hubby and I watched a movie and I didn't get to bed until almost 11. So I know I'll be tired today...but if all goes well, maybe he'll get up with the little one tomorrow and let me sleep! :)

    What movie did you watch?
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    I work out first thing just like you, try going to bed earlier. I found with my new exercise plan I need 8 hours minimum and 9 is even better. You don't mention your calorie deficit but you may consider increasing it. I started out going for 2 pounds of loss per week and found it was to much. I have increased my calories and make sure I get in my exorcise calories and now I can power through the morning works outs and have extra energy all day.
  • rmqt
    rmqt Posts: 78 Member
    It is hard work, and a big way-to-go for everyone who's doing it! My best advice is to stick with it until it's second nature. I set out everything I need to get going the night before: my clothes in the bathroom so I can dress without waking DH, shoes by the door, water bottle filled. I also bribe myself: Fridays I sit in the sauna at the gym in the morning after a light workout. Or I'll have a treat for breakfast if I'm really struggling to get up. Extra marmalade or cheesy broiled toast!
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    My work schedule is somewhat varied, so I will work out in the mornings on my days off and days when I work later. On the days that I work earlier, I will work out as soon as I get home (and before I eat dinner). I'm not fond of working out later, just because by the time I get home, I really want to be cooking and eating, not waiting 30-45 minutes to start that process after working out.

    Even when I work out in the morning, I'm not getting up nearly as early as you are, MamaReebs.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I get up at 5AM to work out also. I really don't hate it. Yes, my bed is warm, but that hour and a half in the morning until the kids get up at 6:30 is my ONLY peace and quiet time all day. And I like spending that time working out and then in peaceful devotion. It works for me. :) Last night was late, hubby and I watched a movie and I didn't get to bed until almost 11. So I know I'll be tired today...but if all goes well, maybe he'll get up with the little one tomorrow and let me sleep! :)

    What movie did you watch?

    Ok, this is funny. I think we watched a movie called The Takers. I had a free redbox code for yesterday, so I wanted to use it. But dumb me realized that the DVD was being vended before I even entered the code. And the only reason we got a movie was because it was going to be free, lol. :( So, we watched a movie that we weren't all that crazy about, didn't really need, and didn't really have time for, lol. It was okay. Action packed. I didn't fall asleep, so that's always a plus. :)