Introducing myself...

I just joined myfitnesspal on Sat. in order to help me keep track of my calories and protein while working out. I'm currently doing the last phase of 30 Day Shred and will be starting P90X for the first time on March 6th. My sister told be about this site as a good tool for watching my diet while doing P90X so that hopefully I can stay on track with the diet. So I thought I'd get started a little early. From everything I've heard about P90X I am excited to see the results but a little nervous about the workouts and scared of the pain, LOL.

A little about myself...I am 29 years old. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 10.5 years. We have four wonderful children, 3 girls and 1 boy, to which I am a stay at home mom.

This fourth, and last pregnancy weight has been difficult for me to take off. I have been one of those lucky people in the past that it melted off easily, but this time it's taking quite a bit longer. My baby girl turned one the beginning of January and I am still holding on to 5 lbs, plus I had gained a few lbs before getting pregnant with her that I wouldn't mind losing. I've been working at it actively for a month now. I do 30 Day Shred every day and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio 6 days a week. I'm looking forward to moving on to something more intense soon!

Is anyone else starting P90X soon and want to start on the 6th with me? I have one friend starting it with me and my husband is noncomittal yet, but if you're interested I'd love to have someone on here to do it with me also.