So here I go!!!

Well I am new here on MFP. Just started, oh I'd say about 20 minutes ago to check it out upon suggestion of a coworker. So I am here to introduce myself first and foremost and look forward to starting up my fitness eating plans.

Some basic info. I am Single and extremely active with friends and family. I am a plus size gal who takes bellydance classes and crossfits regularly. I know my BIGGEST problem is my food. I know all about how I SHOULD eat. Its' not about not having the knowledge of the goods and bads of foods, I do. I know I am an emotional binger and have many food triggers for my complusive relationship to food. I am also Type 2 diabetic and have been for several years. My problem is allowing the triggers to compromise my drive and desire to eat right.

So, I am hoping, being here, it will help me with the motivation and some tools for eating correctly for myself.


  • traustifreyr
    Welcome, I hope this site brings you as much help as it does me. Its a fantastic motivator! Good luck.
  • candy_grl
    Hello.. Im new too, & trust me I know where you're coming from as far as being an emotional eater... I hope you success in reaching your goals..