Starting over

So I really have let myself slide back into my old habits in the last two weeks. I have had a really hard time getting back into the swing of things and staying there. I love to eat just for the taste of foods. So I am now working on trying to get out of that mode. Also I like to eat when I am board. I have to get back into exercising when I am board. It really helps to be up and moving when I am board so I don't just start eating again. So I lost two pounds in the first 6 days and then gained it all back the next week. So I am going to work hard to try to make myself beautiful again. : ) Thanks for the support everyone. If you have any tricks of the trade I welcome them with open ears.


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Coming back is the hardest part so now just pick ONE thing to focus on this week food wise (i.e. ONLY eating when you are actually hungry or having a snack every 4 hours, or cutting out soda/fast food/processed food, or whatever) and get in 20 minutes of activity each day. Remember WHY you want this when you are tempted! In a week or so, when that one thing you picked is now habit, add another and up the activity by 10 minutes gradually until you are at 60 four times a week.

    Good luck! You CAN (and WILL) do this!
  • chinawolfseyes24
    That's great advice. I think i'll take it!
  • princesschikee
    You should really set some short term, mid term, and long term goals and write them down. Just like keeping track of your calories. Writing things down helps keep you accountable.
    If you keep your body fueled throughout the day, most of those cravings go away. Eating 5 small meals with the right macronutrients helps keep you full till it's time to eat again.
    Good luck and remember, it takes 21 days to form a habit....make it a good one. ;)