Scared to start P90X

lal73 Posts: 116
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise

I have all the DVD's for a few weeks now, and have not started..I watched a few of them, and it looks SOOO SOO DIFFICULT. Im scared to start it. How did others who werent in shape start out doing it? Did you stop and start alot through the DVD?


  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Come isn't too bad. I'm almost done my third week of the Lean program. Yeah, you'll be sore and exhausted when you start, but you will get stronger and more fit as you go.

    Do what Tony says, "Do your best and forget the rest".

    You'll find that over time that your best is always getting better.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I joined a gym, cheaper :P
  • Don't let it intimidate you. I know a lot of people who couldn't even do a push up before they started, but as long as you try your hardest you will see results.
  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    Start the lean version.... core synergestics.
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    Push play and get started. Do what you can and just keep going.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Just pick a date and start! Join a group on here or start one. You'll get stronger and you'll be surprised @ the end of the 3rd week how much stronger you feel. :)
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Well, Tony says it best, "Do your best and forget the rest" he also says, "modify, modify, modify"... if you are having difficulty just modify the move until you get strong enough to do it exactly like Tony.

    Do not be afraid... I was just over the overweight line (that is right, obese) when I started round one... now I am nearly normal. If I can do it you can too!

  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I can see how you would feel that way. It is definitely not an easy program but it is worth it. Also, you shouldn’t feel like you have to keep up with Tony or the others, you can modify and do what you can at first. Yes, you might feel pathetic at first and out of shape (I know I did) but you would be surprised how quickly you improve and can notice a difference. You can do it! :)
  • kioga86
    kioga86 Posts: 126 Member
    The literature I read when I got my hands on P90X suggested you do a basic fitness test before starting the program, and that if you weren't able to complete the fitness test you should do another program first. I tried the fitness test, and surprise surprise, didn't make it, so I took their suggestion and started Power90 with the intent on swinging right in to P90X when I've completed Power90. Perhaps you should look in to that?
  • Hi,,,

    I have all the DVD's for a few weeks now, and have not started..I watched a few of them, and it looks SOOO SOO DIFFICULT. Im scared to start it. How did others who werent in shape start out doing it? Did you stop and start alot through the DVD?

    When I first got the program, I asked my coach the same thing. He told me i had two options.

    1) Do the regular program and do modifications as you go along.
    2) Do the cardio X for 3-4 a week for three weeks and add either the stretch or the ab ripper program once a week.

    I chose option 2 and now I am in the third week of doing option 2. I believe by next week I will be ready for the "regular" program.

    I watched the chest and back workout DVD the other day and I was frightened!! But after I thought about it...if i really want to change me, this is something I need to do.

    Good luck to you!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    They show you how to modify every sigle exercise. Just pop the dvd in and do it.

    Please don't both with the Lean version. It was put into the program as an after thought. The classic routine, done with weights will get you the best results. Just push as hard as you can in both the exercises and your nutrition and don't ge hung up on seeing results after two weeks. It's 90 days for a reason. Trust the program and the results will be there.

  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I know. I have it. Right now I am waiting on my pull up bar. I just don't know if I want to exercise 6 days per week. And right now I'm still adjusting to 1500 calories per day and when I start I'll have to eat those extra calories.

    I figure what I can't do at first I will eventually be able to do.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    Don't be so scared. You ordered it for a reason right? Just push play, and do your best. You will be so surprised at how much you are capable of when you just do it. You greatly improve on your strength as well...and quickly. Don't let your worries prevent you from getting to who you want to be. Good luck to you.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    The literature I read when I got my hands on P90X suggested you do a basic fitness test before starting the program, and that if you weren't able to complete the fitness test you should do another program first. I tried the fitness test, and surprise surprise, didn't make it, so I took their suggestion and started Power90 with the intent on swinging right in to P90X when I've completed Power90. Perhaps you should look in to that?

    I flunked the fitness test as well. Couldn't do 3 pullups or 15 pushups. I did pushups from my Knees for nearly the whole first round and used a chair for pullups. You can modify things, but you're suggestion of Power90 if you feel you're not ready is a sound one.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    When my husband and I got it, I was nervous about starting it. What if I can't do this or that?? Well I was shocked at what I actually could do. And it's amazing how quickly your strength and endurance improves! Just do what you can and work your way up! Good luck!!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    A group of us are starting next week. We run the gamet of newbies and repeaters. Check out the thread below. We will be encouraging each other and swapping ideas. Feel free to join in!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Don't be scared of P90X. P90X should be scared of you! Because you're gonna be a beast once you start it. Lol. That's how I felt when I first did it.
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Thanks guys!!! you are all so inspiring....
  • I am also nervous to try it. we have the DVD's at home and they have been sitting on the top of our tv stand since November. I get bored with exercise very easily. I am going to try them as well, I just need a huge push of motivation.

    Good luck to you and keep me posted on your success!
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I won't sugar coat it. The 1st week kicked my buttocks (Tony says that). But eventually the pain went away and I am able to complete all the workouts. I'm on day 25 and I ain't dead.
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