A great meal, but bad bad bad

Lamb cuttlets, uncle bends chicken rice and salad, tops off a really bad day. Only been doing this for a week and getting to realise its a life style change which I'm finding difficult. I live to eat! I enjoy a beer,

Any advice?


  • metajess
    give yourself a no-track or cheat day where you can have whatever you want. remember its not instant, you're always going to be learning
  • Rhiven43
    It isn't easy some days, honestly. I have lost over 100 pounds in the past year, and STILL have about 87 to go! There are days even KNOWING the right things to do, and eat, that I still choose something less than the best. I am human, and so are you! Don't get down on yourself or you really won't get anywhere.

    What works for me is small goals- it helped at first when I started eating better and exercising. Now I am in a good place with a good routine, but I still have to set small goals to keep me motivated.

    For example- allow yourself one meal a day that has more flexibility. Decide to make great choices on what you eat and how much for 2 meals, and then give yourself a little wiggle room for 1 of them. Do that for a week- it's still better than not making any changes. The next week, every other day, have one "wiggle-room" meal, and the rest make good choices and stick within your calorie/nutritional goals. Another week done, and improvement accomplished. You get the idea.

    Also, with your exercise, if you haven't been doing anything consistently, don't think you can go out and start burning 1500 calories a day and plan to stick with it. Again, small, consistent changes. Week 1- take your kids for a walk, push the stroller and don't poke along. Doing that even every other day the first week is better than not at all. The next week, do more, and so on.

    Pretty soon you will have new habits, and find your small changes have become actual consistent lifestyle changes. You can be proud of yourself along the way for sticking to a plan, and achieving something each week. The weight will come off.

    Remember, you didn't gain the weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight. And losing it slower and consistently will help make it stay off and never come back.

    Hang in there! That you are here with a desire to change is outstanding and you should be proud of yourself. Way to go! :smile: