I want to lose but i want to eat!



  • SO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the point you HAVE to eat. its WHAT you eat. Every few days I grill 12 or so boneless skinless chix breasts (i vary the seasoning) and keep them in the fridge, at home & at work. anytime I'm hungry I eat one. Protein builds muscle, muscle burns fat. lost 9lb in 3 weeks so i'm fairly pleased!!!!
  • SierraBurns87
    SierraBurns87 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel where you are coming from. I would like to add to everyone's advice.... If you feel the depression is making you eat get out of the funk doing something for yourself! I find that I am more motivated to get healthier if I look/feel pretty! Get your hair done, something different and sexy. Who doesn't feel good after that?
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Thank you EVERYONE!!! You are all amazing people, you dont know me and you talk like your a great friend... so thansk everyone for putting in the adivice.. im going to think about TODAY! and i gonna get through it, i can do it... especally with everyone on here, thanks again! :)
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