New and looking forward to making a change!

jolenefraser Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I just joined MFP this week and I love it so far. It's been easy to track everything through the iPhone app. I'm excited about getting in shape and happy that I made the choice to do it in February so I have plenty of time to get in shape before summer (or so I hope). I'm looking forward to making a change and having the support of others who are going through the same thing. Here's to a healthy and fit future!



  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Welcome, I will friend you so we can keep motivated!!! MOre friends you have, the more motivated you will be!
  • Thanks! I love the support!
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I love it and started when I was on an iPhone and now use my Android phone app. MFP makes it so simple to track what goes in and what I burn out, making the whole lifestyle change much easier. Good luck!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You will find a ton of very friendly and supportive people on here and there is a lot of good info too. I've sent you a friend request. Good luck with reaching your goals!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Welcome aboard! That's how I found MFP, thru my Android phone. I've got tons of support on the site, making tons of friends here (which I haven't been on FB for a long time). Good luck and enjoy a healthier and happier life!
  • Welcome :)

    I'm pretty new here also, I will do my best to support and encourage.... Best of luck with your goals... with everyone here's help your gonna look great in those shorts LOL ;)
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