For those of you that have so much faith in the FDA.......

Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
The United States is so far behind where nutrition and health are concerned because of the Political agendas of the Food Industry. Things like make me sick, literally!!!

Why has it taken this long???? They have known this for years and years, and yes they are the ones that said it was safe!!
Banned in Europe, Food Coloring Linked to Behavior Problems
December 16th, 2010 - Jill Ettinger

In 1976, M&M candies discontinued their “Red M” amidst concerns over the potentially fatal risk of red food coloring that contained amaranth (in FD&C Red #2), suspected as being cancer-causing. Though M&M did not use this dye in the product pulled from store shelves, fears about red-dyed foods were so heightened, the red-colored candy did not return for more than a decade.

After much petitioning by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced plans to form an advisory committee meeting which will review clinical studies conducted on common food dyes including Yellow 5 and Red 40 and the link connecting them to adverse behavior issues in children.

Brought to public attention in the 1970s by a San Francisco allergist who noticed significant improvement in patients when they changed their diets, numerous studies have supported his theory, yet no regulations have been put in place to monitor the use of questionable dyes in cereals, snacks and candies targeted at children.

Throughout Europe, several countries have banned artificial dyes and require foods using any still-approved unnatural colors to prominently display warning labels on packaging. Those labels are required to state that consuming foods containing artificial colors might be linked to behavioral issues in children. American companies including Kellogg’s, Kraft and McDonald’s, have stopped using artificial dyes abroad while they continue to sell foods with the questionable ingredients to the U.S. market in lieu of their obvious capabilities to use natural alternatives.

Despite Europe’s tight stance on food dyes and the numerous clinical studies showing the increased risk to children who consume them, the FDA — even after commissioning its own studies on food dyes — has been reluctant to address the issue until now.

According to the FDA, in 2007 Americans were consuming five times more artificial food colorings than they were in 1955.


  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't have faith in them at all. The fat cats are doing favors and passing money around while we continue to get fat and unhealthy. Oh, but there are those that don't want our government to step in and regulate. So whatever folks, whatever.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Thanks for your continuing education. Thankfully my kids are past the age that I buy stuff with artificial color for them. Hopefully by the time they give me grandchildren we will all know enough so that they never have any!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I don't have faith in them at all. The fat cats are doing favors and passing money around while we continue to get fat and unhealthy. Oh, but there are those that don't want our government to step in and regulate. So whatever folks, whatever.

    OMG!!! You sound like me!!! *love* lol

    It's all about regulation. We can't have our free market system run amok. This is what we get when it happens!!! Consumers are blinded to the truth a lot of times, so imo, the government has to step in and protect us.

    ....but yeah, I agree with the OP, there is a lot of corruption and political agendas on the government side and the capitalist side. We need to educate more people as to what is happening with our food.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I would never ever trust any governmental organization that is so obviously capable of being manipulated for money..oh that's a lot of government (and I'm a liberal) so yeah. I don't need the FDA pyramid to tell me jack. I've done enough reading to know that it's bureaucracy and lobbyist agenda that sets the standard a lot of times. So annoying :\
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    We need to let them know we want healthy!!! And affordable food!
    So many people are doing organic now. I try my best, but the only thing that keeps me from getting all organic is that some of it is hard to find, and the biggest issue, the cost.

    The FDA needs to get on board with OUR agenda! Make healthy un-artificial foods available to us. That will save on med. bills, doctor bills, and who knows what else.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.

    I have watched Food Inc, Food Matters, Super Size Me, etc. Great eye openers for those who are not narrow minded. :tongue:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    We need to let them know we want healthy!!! And affordable food!
    So many people are doing organic now. I try my best, but the only thing that keeps me from getting all organic is that some of it is hard to find, and the biggest issue, the cost.

    The FDA needs to get on board with OUR agenda! Make healthy un-artificial foods available to us. That will save on med. bills, doctor bills, and who knows what else.

    I am in love with this post. You said exactly what I was thinking. Just.. more eloquently because it would have been a mess if I tried to say it. Lol. :flowerforyou:
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    we can always grow our own and then we know what goes into it........i'm not trying to be mean, just in case it came out that way....but growing your own food maybe less expensive, definately less additives, and takes time and energy making us healthier! i don't do it yet but that's one of my goals (to get my own land and grow my own foods). good luck to everyone on their journey.
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    I've not watched any of these documentaries, and I'm slower to jump on the conspiracy bandwagon, but I DO believe that there needs to be a more conscientious approach in regards to what we consider "food", how we grow food, and where our food comes from...literally starting from the ground up. As an avid gardener I find the disconnect from "farm" to table astounding.

    But let's get on to my rant:

    While I find the use of dyes in candies concerning, I find that there are so many more damaging actions taking place literally in our back yards. Do you know where that most pesticides and chemicals are used each year?! Yep! You guessed it: your lawns. More pollutants are dumped into our yards, which kill the soil, all organic material inside the soil, all the beautiful and useful bacteria inside the soil, rendering it useless. Those chemicals then leach into water supplies and do the same thing there. The result: a dead and useless plot of land that needs MORE chemicals to look good. And your yard uses MORE chemicals and pesticides per acre than the most "dirty" of industrialized farms. Now that, in my opinion, is some food for thought.

    Oh, btw, there are many environmentally friendly ways to get your yard beautiful, if that's what you wish!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Watch movies like " Food Inc"..."King corn".... "Food matters"..." the world according to Monsanto"..

    I'm trying to eat all organic...and they even want to change the standards for that.

    Pretty soon there won't be anything left to eat that's not genetically altered, loaded with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, poisons, growth hormones..etc...etc...

    I seriously don't want that stuff in my body...but it's hard to figure out what to eat.

    I have watched Food Inc, Food Matters, Super Size Me, etc. Great eye openers for those who are not narrow minded. :tongue:

    There are many folks on this board and others I frequent that are not worried about things and "they are eating healthy" with their GMO grain foods.........When I mentioned those movies on another thread I was told to stop being a conspiracy theorist.

    I am so happy to see so many on board with more open-minded thinking. Our government is all but destroying our food supply.

    I am trying to break into government food policy, I will probably have to start local, which is easy because so many where I live already use CSA's and get meat and dairy from local farm sources around here.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    We need to let them know we want healthy!!! And affordable food!
    So many people are doing organic now. I try my best, but the only thing that keeps me from getting all organic is that some of it is hard to find, and the biggest issue, the cost.

    The FDA needs to get on board with OUR agenda! Make healthy un-artificial foods available to us. That will save on med. bills, doctor bills, and who knows what else.

    You are right, however they will never be on board with our agenda because it won't make the big $$$
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    When we had that whole salmonella in the eggs thing going on everyone was panicking about where it was safe to buy eggs and how did the government allow this to happen?!

    I went outside to pet and chat with my little chickens before I collected their eggs and allowed them to wander around my pesticide free lawn. It may not be golf course perfect but the girls do a good job of cleaning up the bugs and dropping some "fertilizer" for me. I'm working toward learning how to garden and actually grown something edible but until then I try to eat as organic and clean as possible. If I didn't make it myself with whole foods I have to accept that there may be things in there that I don't want.

    I can't find the link but not too long ago someone posted a news report from an Australian school that removed all foods with additives and dyes from the school for two weeks. The participants had to have parental permission and participation in that the family would eat dye and additive free foods at home for the duration of the project too. After two weeks the news crew came back and checked things out. The number of trips to the principles office were down, fights were down, scores were up and the teachers were thrilled. Everyone involved was amazed at what a difference there was in just changing the diet for two weeks. I can't count on the government so I have to do what I can myself.
  • rschmmidt
    About 10 years ago, I started to suffer from HIVES, red itchy whelts mostly on my face. I spent years trying to determine the cause, monitoring what I ate, keeping a diary, etc. Allergists and doctors were not helpful. They prescribed Benadryl to ease the symptoms but couldn't determine the cause. "Often times the cause of hives is never identified," they told me. The hives increased over the years to the point of embarrasment.

    Short story is that I determined just recently that FD&C yellow #5 is the cause, although other colorings and additives can also trigger hives. THIS STUFF IS IN EVERYTHING from candy to pasta to pickles (which I thought were natural). It is also in shampoo and dishwashing liquid and cosmetics which touch your skin and therefore will be ingested. Seriously, once I started reading labels, I was shocked by the amount of items that contain FD&C yellow#5.

    Anyway, not many hives so much anymore, and I am really careful what I buy. I won't eat or use products that are yellow. If it has a looooong list of ingredients, I put it back on the shelf.

    If this helps any other hive-sufferers out there, that would be great. I was miserable for years about my complexion until I figured this out.
  • lyndsloo
    lyndsloo Posts: 242
    You all should check out It's an interesting website....some of it is extreme, but most of it is VERY informative. :)
  • callipygianchronicle
    While I really liked “King Corn” and “Food Inc” it can sometimes be hard to know how to know how take action with your own food based on the information that is presented. For that, I highly recommend a very thin book by Michael Pollan called, "Food Rules.” This is really painless, straightforward information about how to make good choices at the grocery store (and beyond) for wholesome food that supports and protects your health, along with brief explanations of the research that supports his suggestions.
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 97 Member
    There is a little HOPE in the situation. :bigsmile: Back in December, after major petitioning from the CSPI, the FDA announced it will hold a hearing on the dyes in March 2011. We can't call it a victory yet. Synthetic dyes are so cheap, who knows if the FDA will find yet another 'justification' to keep them on the GRAS list. But it is hope. I'm doing my best not to be pessimistic. ). This is a cause close to my heart.

    Here's the link to announcement by both CSPI and the Feingold Association (famous for the Feingold Diet- free of dye and artificial flavoring- since the 1970's) :
  • daisy89
    daisy89 Posts: 151 Member
    Any government agency that says it's OK for children to go into a store unaccompanied by an adult and buy the morning after pill with no questions asked has no business telling me what is healthy or not.

    I really see no point in your statement. You must be at least 17 in order to purchase the morning after pill (I hardly think that is a child's age) any one younger must have a prescription from a doctor, and I believe you can only get those with a parent!

    Do some research before posting irrelevancies.
  • KrystalLight03
    Speaking of the FDA, I had to watch this scary clip in my medical sociology class last semester. I've never looked at fish quite the same (especially tilapia since it is a bottom-feeding fish).
  • th3house
    I think Edorice and you would benefit from looking at the situation differently. You said its all about regulation and that the food situation is the way it is because the free market system is run amok. Well I'm not certain that should be the end of your quest for knowledge on the subject.

    If you look into the FDA and the revolving door it has with Monsanto for example, the bigger picture should begin to materialize. My view of the situation is this: Its not the free market system run amok that is the problem but the corruption in our government. Large food corporations lobby, pay off politicians and give lucrative jobs to former government officials (every corporation does this actually) . In exchange these government officials, while they are in office in whatever bureaucracy, pass laws that benefit these corporations.

    I'm sure I'm telling you nothing new. All I ask is that you see this game for what it is. You said regulation is key but I honestly feel that if you do your research into how the FDA operates you'll find that they are operating in the interest of the big corporations rather than us; you can't just stop at "regulation is the key" and hope they'll save us. We have to save ourselves by understanding their game and voting with our dollars because that, my friends, is the only vote we have that matters.

    Heres a place to start!