GAH!! what is wrong with me?

i have no motivation to get up and work out! i feel so much better when i do, and i know i do. but when that alarm goes off at 5, i just turn it off. and then i'm totally mad at myself the rest of the day. i did go home at lunch and workout today, but i've got to figure out how to get my butt out of bed in the morning.


  • Im not a morning person AT ALL, so I work out everyday after work. Maybe something like that would suit you better? Just a thought.
  • I also am not a morning person so I find it is best for me to work out in the afternoons after work. The up side to that...I sleep amazingly well :)
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I hate waking up early. I barely make it to work every day. Up at 5 am? No freakin way, man. :D

    I work out after work or I go to a karate class during my lunch. See if you can find something nearby that offers a yoga class or something. Also, when it gets warmer, you can always go for a jog during your lunch. I'm not sure how the shower situation is where you work... some places have them and some don't. I worked at my current office for a year before I discovered that they had locker rooms!

    Just some suggestions. Good luck!

    Ps. I've read that when you start an early morning workout regime, it can help to sleep in your workout stuff the first few nights and leave your shoes by your bed. Then all you have to do is sit up, lace up your shoes and walk straight out the door. Worth a shot, right?
  • SaraEWrig
    SaraEWrig Posts: 88 Member
    This is what has worked for me, because I have a REALLY hard time too. I promise myself. I say it aloud before bed, promise myself I won't push snooze more than once, and promsie that I'll do a full 30 minutes before getting in the shower. When the alarm goes off, the first thing that comes to mind is "push snooze once, but then you promised yourself you'd get up!" And I do!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Honey, I feel your pain! My alarm goes off at 3:58 AM! I literally have to FORCE myself to get out of the bed to get a workout in..but when I get to work at 6, it carries me through the day...I'm so pumped...AND it helps me make wise choices at work. The only thing wrong with you is you're HUMAN!!!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    thanks to everyone for the support and suggestions. i do try to get a jog in over lunch, or at least a brisk walk, but unfortunately, my lunch is only 40 minutes, so if i don't get a planning period(i'm a substitute teacher) then it gets a little dicey. I'm hoping to be able to get to the y in the evenings again, i just have to get both the kids well. darn winter. darn kids. darn flu.