I need support!

EHeadings Posts: 50 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone! I know almost no one on this site. I need people to check in on me and to keep me motivated. Maybe there are others out there that I can help as well! Post a reply to this message, and we can check in on each other and motivate each other daily! :)


  • Hi! Glad to give support, I need the same, we all do I think...Hang in there, you CAN do it!!!!!
  • I don't know anyone on this site either. I have just been meeting people through the forums and talking to them there. It is a really great site. People are supportive and they have a lot of great ideas for helping you out.

    Add me if you want and I will definitely check in and see how you are doing!
  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    I'm addicted to the site and now on more than Facebook now! I'll send out the friend request now! ;)
  • denisedepaul42
    denisedepaul42 Posts: 7 Member
    Sure thing!!! The more support the better!!!!
  • jryan09
    jryan09 Posts: 2 Member
    I am the same way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need someone to do it with me so that we can push eachother!!! Please add me! Tryin to lose some baby weight and get ready for summer and look good for my husband when he comes home!
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