Afraid to eat

Do you ever get afraid to eat? Sometimes I feel guilty getting near my 1200 calorie limit, I know you're supposed to eat to lose but it's been really hard to keep that mind set. I eat when I'm hungry, I'm not starving myself, but most days I'm only around 800-1000 calories. How do you make yourself eat when you don't feel hungry?? I've hit a plateau and it makes me want to eat less but I know that won't help!!! UGH!


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    You can get your calories up easily by adding a little of the good fats to your food when preparing (such as olive oil) or having a snack of nuts. Alternatively just increase your portion sizes just a little at each meal and you'll be fine. :smile:
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I know the's very hard to change our have to eat in order to lose, it's a hard concept for most people. Me for sure!
    On the days when I am running low on my calories I like to look at my Nutritional intake for that day. If I am missing protein then I will make myself eat something to fill in that gap....same with carbs. I find on some days when I am feeling a little run down or tired, when I check my carb intake for that day it's very I eat something high in carbs and find myself feeling better within minutes.
    I guess it's all about eating for fuel...not because you are hungry or not hungry....but fueling your body for what you want it to do for you.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I usually find that I'm a little more hungry after brisk exercise. So usually a 20-30 minute walk does the trick for me. Or having some trail mix in my purse to snack through the day.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Would you feel guilty putting gas in a car? Hopefully not! Your body NEEDS food to live - you shouldn't feel guilty for adequately fueling your body. I'm sure you know this, but 800-1000 calories per day is not enough, especially if you're exercising regularly.

    You've taken a great first step in admitting that you have a problem - feeling afraid to eat. To make sure the problem doesn't get any worse, and to help you move toward a healthier realtionship with food, I would highly recommend you find a couselor you can talk to about this. There's nothing wrong with getting help from an outside party to help you look at things from a different perspective. (I've been seeing one for various issue for over a year.) If you have health insurance, it should cover some form of counseling. If not, most cities have resources for people without health insurance.
  • jennlee80
    It's hard but I have noticed a HUGE difference when I increased my calories. Maybe add some nuts to your diet-help to increase calories but are still good for you:) Just add a little each day.
  • yoghurtand
    I'm running low today, i.e. I have eaten nothing and it's nearly midnight :( I'll start afresh tomorrow, I guess.

    What I like to do is eat a little of something I really enjoy that's very calorific (not necessarily unhealthy, though!). You aren't hungry, so you won't eat much of it, and you get a little indulgence. However, if this makes your appetite awaken, then have a small meal (of around 300-400 calories) ready for you to eat :)
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    I totally know what you mean. Whenever I get to my calorie limit or I'm just under it, I get disappointed. I think it's just females and our skewed view of ourselves. : /
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You need to eat. I know it sound weird, but the reason you are not feeling hunger is because your body is shutting metabolism down. It is a natural side effect. You really want to feel hungry about every two hours or so, so you know your metabolism is fired up. You are doing more harm than good. especially where you have hit a plateau.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    You know it's the truth, you've gotta get those cals up a bit. Try avocado on your sandwich or wrap or salad, peanut butter with banana, olive oil with anything.... eggs at breakfast...