How to get more veggies in, in a day



  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    *put finely diced onion in things where you can
    *carrot sticks as a snack
    *quartered tomatos or cherry tomatos as a snack
    *load up sandwiches with lots of salad - lettuce, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatos, cucumbers, beetroot, sprouts... nom nom nom
    *roast them, they always taste different roasted! We're having roasted potatos, sweet potatos, carrots & parsnips with dinner tonight, then peas and cauliflower on the side. Also the rissoles I've made have diced onion in them. That's a whole load of veges, but without it looking like a boring plateful of them. You only need about 1 tbsp of healthy oil to roast a load of veges, if you use any at all. I often roast pumpkin too, but it's not in season here right now and too expensive.
    *remember potato counts as a vegetable, just cook it in a healthy way : )
    *make vegetable soup!

    Have a look here there are some good tips on the right hand side

    And remember - a serving is about a handful, so you may be having more servings than you think!
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Buy a juicer
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    If you like broccoli, have you tried cauliflower?

    If you like peas, have you tried sugar snap peas or snow peas?

    Some of those -- the snap peas, I think -- are available as freeze-dried crunchy snacks.