Sugar Withdrawl-- possible??

MissMe2morrow Posts: 96
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I think I'm seriously addicted to sugar. No, I mean *really* addicted... if it's possible. I find that if I manage to resist, for a day or two (which is next to impossible), eating refined sugars then I get moody, depressed, and angry. Is this all in my head or can sugar really do this? Anyone have similar experiences? I need to know how to get through this and not accidentally trigger this crazy, sugar-craving lunatic that I become by eating foods that are naturally similar to refined sugar. Help?


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Oh yeah, I completely believe that you can be addicted to sugar! I crave it all the time, and if I make myself not have any, I get serious headaches that seem like withdrawl symptoms. For me, I've found that if I can go at least 4 days without any "bad" sugar, I don't crave it as much, but then if I have it 2 days in a row, the cravings are back like crazy! Just try to get it all out of your house and form a support system to help you resist!
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    Sounds like your body is going through withdrawls because you cut sugar out drastically. In time your body will adjust to the changes you are making and will feel a lot better in no time. I experieced it myself..i was so grouchy, tired, had migraines...u name it. i just simply cut it out and found my self sugar binging and just plainly over doing it...but what i been doing recently is to allow some sweetness in my life and not allow myself to go over 30 grams of sugar a day...once in a while ill treat myself to something sweet and so far i been feeling a lot better.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You can be addicted to just about anything. It's best to get off of refined sugar though, it really isn't good for you. I've been of it for almost 2 months and it's great. I do have a cupcake every couple of weeks when I bake them for my math class and I'll have a soda now and then, but I'm to the point where I don't crave it. When I was getting myself off of it I did it slowly, but it only took a few days. First I tried not eating any sugar until after lunch, then I waited until after dinner. Once I could hold off until after dinner for that first piece of chocolate (or whatever) I finally decided I didn't need it at all.
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    I have to have sugar in my coffee so have limited those to 2 a day and drink weak black tea with lemon.
  • Amarylis13
    Amarylis13 Posts: 41 Member
    I am definitely addicted to sugar. I have been trying to get off it for some time now. As khyys said, getting out of the house (and my office, and any place else that's in my sight) is the best help. the more I stay away from it, the easier it gets.
  • Oh boy--if I could wean myself off, I would. My addiction seems to be an all-or-nothing kind of thing. I don't keep sugary things in the house but I work in a hospital and various people are always bringing cookies, donuts, candy, etc into the office and break room-- it's terrible!! Last time i got off sugar i had major headaches. This time I'm just taking it out on my poor husband. :explode:

    I resisted temptation all day today (against Donut Bank and awesome cookies!!). But I worry that eating natural things that are high on the glycemic index (like carrots or white rice) might trigger cravings. I can resist for a day or two but I eventually give in. I wish there were a "patch" for sugar like there is for nicotine! :sad:
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