RDA. Is Poly and Moly Fat correct? Potassium?

Good morning new friends,

I am trying to really study the RDA and plan my meals to fit the guidelines. Mine suggests that I have 100 polyunsaturated and 100 monounsaturated fat. I am not getting anywhere near this, usually about 5-10 at most.

Also my potassium RDA is 3500, even making efforts to eat foods high in potassium is leaving me under each day.

Protein and Sugar seem low and I am always going over on these. I have only been eating the good sugar (fruit) and eat lean protein.

Do i need to adjust my diet more or are these Reccomended Daily Allowances a little "off"

Please help?



  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    I found where to adjust goals and have reduced my Poly and Mono.... kept potassium the same and will try to keep hitting the goal. I also upped my sugar to allow for fruits in the morning. And increased protein just a tad.

    If you haven't found it yet... go to My Home>Goals>manually set goals. I am not an expert and only guessing on mine with a little google research. I suggest you do your own research and adjust to what you feel is for optimal health for YOU.

    Have a great day :)