time to change?

ive been loosing steadily since i started but 2 weeks ago my target slight changed and since then ive not lost anything. Do you think its time to change my habits to kick start it? i normally only eat some of my excercise cals if im feeling like its a hungry day otherwise i dont bother, Do you think i should maybe eat half back or go the opposite way and dont eat anything?

I NEEED to start loosing again as i have a dr appointment next month and need to prove im doing well!


  • traceytoo
    I lost 84 pounds a couple of years ago and hit many plateaus along the way - it's part and parcel of losing weight, your body readjusting and gaterhing breath before it carries on ... the key thing is to carry on what you are doing, try lots of things people say to kick start it, up calories, up exercise, down calories etc etc .. but be excited, cos after a plateua there is usually a really good weight loss .. and that is something to seriously, seriously look forward to hunny - so just sit tight and enjoy :-)))))
  • princess_f
    Thanks! I hope to see a loss soon, a bit one would be a huge bonus!
  • princesschikee
    You definitely have to switch up when you hit a plateau. Whether it be, a different cardio machine, lift heavier weights....to lose body fat, you need to lift weights. Gaining muscles burns fat. Are you eating 5 small meals a day?
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member

    I also think I am at a plateau at the mo -not lost anything in, like a month.... I can see my body is smaller, but weight loss would be nice! traceytoo I hope you are right...!!!
  • princess_f
    no im eating 3 meals a day plus snacks, cant do 5-6 small meals due to my work shifts! i do weights and the same machines but i alternate the length of time on the machines to make each day a bit different. ive also started doing the 30ds this week as an extra workout.

    Think ill try adding the half the excersise cals and fingers crossed for a loss next weekend
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Try it, and do you need to up the fluid intake? Sometimes that helps especially if you workout alot which you do ......
  • princesschikee
    Try at least to get more protein. Do you know how much protein you are getting? If you aren't getting enough it will only work against you.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Something about that 15-20 pound mark!! Grrrrrr!! Maybe try to rev your metobolism by having a cheat meal (if you don't do that already). I notice that after a week of steady dieting, when I have my long awaited cheat meal, I end up losing a couple days later.

    You could also switch up the type of cardio you are doing.

    Alot of people (including me) believe in zig zagging your diet when you start to stall. Say 1200 calories one day, 1400 the next, back to 1200, then 1500. Something like that. Again, i haven't looked at your diet to see if you are already doing these things. Sorry if I'm repeating what you already know! good luck!
  • princess_f
    Defo need to up the water intake, its been less recently as i get sick of it! Normally over on protein so it should be ok but i will defo keep a close eye on it! You guys are great, thanks!