One day is all it takes........

Yesterday morning I got on the scale and saw something i hadnt seen in a while..199.5lbs.. I was super excited but then I was stupid and thought I could eat anything...I really dont like the weekends because my hubby is home and he isnt doing this with me so he eats whatever and I get a notion in my mind that I can do it too. I cant believe everything I ate yesterday.

I am paying for it today..Today is my 1 week with MFP and I was sooo looking forward to weighing in and low and behold the damn scale said 202lbs this morning..I almost cried..I cannot believe i was soo stupid with what i ate yesterday..

I am not even going to do a weigh in this week because its the same..Maybe next weekend will be better Or I will weigh in on Wednesday..

It is going to take soooo much self control on the weekends I realized yesterday..Please help me get out of this funk..I dont want to be depressed all day, I was looking forward to working outside and cutting the grass and washing my car.


  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I understand how you feel. My boyfriend is the same way and he has Sundays off and just eats and eats and Sundays are my "rest" days where I don't exercise so much. I blew it week ones by eating SOOO much Burger King.
  • flttumee
    Awe. . . don't put so much stalk in the number on the scale. Celebrate all of your accomplishments! Remember the weight did not come on over night and it is a lifestyle change. ONE DAY IS NOT GOING TO BE YOUR DOWNFALL!!! Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and say OKAY! I slipped and fell but it does not mean I will not finish what I started. We all make mistakes. . . learn from this one and move on!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    you would have had to eat ALOT of food to gain 2 pounds in 1 day.Try not to let it worry you.The scale is evil and cannot be trusted.Dont worry it will come.My scale told me yesterday I was 188 now today im 185.
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    awwww....dont be so down on had a minor set back...we all have them...its a brand new day! learn from it and move on...change doesnt happen over night...eventually you'll get the hang of it and it will just come easy to you.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Today, I drove with my boyfriend to have dinner with a friend of ours. We grabbed McDonald's along the highway because we were starving and the restaurant is notorious for a long wait with meals. Worst decision ever :( That plus a very indulgent pasta meal and dessert, put my diary about 800 cals over.

    You just have to remember that today's bad choices don't have to follow you into tomorrow. You can make a conscious decision to be better, work harder and make more healthful choices. So cut yourself a little slack as we all have off days and make the promise to yourself that tomorrow will be different. I find it's helpful to visualise things that I might eat the next day, when I'm getting ready for bed to remind myself about healthful choices.

    I'm looking forward to breakfast already :)
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    hi, I know the feeling but hang in there. Listen to this podcast. Worth listening too.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It sounds like you need to schedule a cheat meal once a week. Do not allow yourself to go crazy until that meal and once the meal is over, your cheat is over. It's controlled cheating and can actually rev up your metabolism as well as inspire you to do well all week. You are up 3 pounds today. If you drink lots of water, exercise, and eat healthy for the next 3 days, it will be gone.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Whenever I weigh myself on consecutive days, I almost always gain a pound or two, especially if my fiance has been home. For me I can almost always attribute it to how much sodium I have had when he's home because he's not a sweets person. I have taken to not adding salt in any food I make when he is home with me.
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks soo much!!! You guys are great!! I feel better already doing stuff around the house. Hopefully later today I can get outside and get some stuff done. I will definitely drink lots of water :)
    I just need to learn that when I get like crap it only affects myself and no one else. Who cares if my hubby wants to eat that way, its him that will gain the weight not me. Altho sometime he does do good if I dont want to eat out we dont. I just have to keep saying no. :)