
Hello, my name is Emjay and I am a mom of two currently at my highest weight and I have tried everything but I feel like I am alone in this my I have tried the calorie count but When I cook dinner for my family I always loose count of the calories I need friends to keep me on track at all times and I feel like ever since we moved away from where I grew up I have no friends to help me through this and help me stick to the weight loss. I wouldn't mind a text every now and then asking me how my calorie count is going and the exercise or someone to go to the gym with me I just don't want to be alone I need help. Does anyone ever feel this way?


  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't ever feel this way, but I am a loner. I am used to doing things alone. I actually enjoy it. But, I think I am a good support person. I am always willing to support and motivate and celebrate. If you would like, you can add me, and I will be here for you when I can.