breastfeeding and sensible dieting

Hello! I am new to this site and finding it very helpful. I am a newish mum to my six and a half month son and wondering if others are out there trying to shift some baby pounds whilst breast feeding. I have not attempted to loose any weight till now but now I am starting to introduce some solids, my son isn't fully relying on my milk. Should I be adding extra calories to my daily allowance to allow for breastfeeding? I know in most books it says to eat an extra 300-500 calories per day......


  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    definitely continue to add an additional 300 to 500 calories to your diet to help keep up your milk supply and so your body gets all the extra nutrients it needs while nursing.
  • kathrynarnold
    Breast feeding is an AMAZING way to help shrink your tummy, it's also good for baby. Kudos on breastfeeding! I'm totally pro-breastfeeding. I would not try to add extra calories, but if you feel you need to, make sure they are healthy calories such as fruits and veggies, and protein. The protein in the milk will help keep baby fuller, longer. Congrats on the baby! :smile:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    definitely continue to add an additional 300 to 500 calories to your diet to help keep up your milk supply and so your body gets all the extra nutrients it needs while nursing.
    Definitely definitely add the extra calories. Even with the extra my supply has dropped somewhat. After doing it like that awhile you can reassess what will work for you. You can add either on your exercise or food log, just search breastfeeding. My 10 month old is on solids, but still nursing 4-5 times a day....I use the Infant 6-12 month option which gives an extra 300 calories, but I often eat up to 100 over goal and still lose. Also be sure to eat any calories back that you burn working out. Again, at least in the beginning so you don't cut too drastically and lose supply. GL!
  • JenWorthen3
    JenWorthen3 Posts: 64 Member
    I breastfed all four of my kids. After my third was born, I gave myself about 2 months, then started dieting to get the extra pounds off. I stuck to a 2000 calorie diet and just made sure to eat at regular intervals (within 30 minutes of waking up and every 2-3 hours after that) and the weight just came right off. Make sure you're getting plenty of water in, too! I lost about 40 lbs doing it that way. Good luck! And be patient with yourself, too. It took nine months to get it on, it should take some time to get it off.
  • shakespearessister
    I have a 24 pound 10 month old who is still pretty much exclusively breastfed. You do need to add in calories for breastfeeding. Cutting calories too dramatically will reduce your milk supply. My recommended caloric intake is 1200 calories per day. I add 350 as exercise (breastfeeding does burn calories, so why not?), and I am consistently losing 2-3 pounds per week. My milk supply is still great. Also make sure you are drinking a lot (half your body weight in ounces per day). Not only does that help your metabolism and cravings, it helps keep up your supply. One thing that has been really good for me is to see what I'm eating. Sure, I can have a latte, but that would mean cutting out things like avocado and raw cheese on my salad, and both of those things are way better for the baby's brain than an empty calorie latte. Thinking about my calories that way has helped me make better food choices.

    Incidentally, I had 3 babies in 36 months (one 9 pound, 4 ounce, the second 9, 12 and the third 11 pounds (!)) I gained an enormous amount of weight in my first pregnancy and didn't have it off before I was pregnant again, and this happened yet again with the third. I tandem nursed my first two whilst pregnant with the third, and I still didn't lose weight, even with restricting carbs. Counting calories with MFP's help is the only way I've been able to lose, and I'm delighted. I think you'll have good success here!

    Best wishes,
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I am so Pro-breast feeding I nursed my little girl in-till she was 13 1/2 m old and miss it so much. But yes add an extra 300 to 500 calorie and I lost around 60 lb. Good luck
  • th1nkth1nmama
    I agree with everyone else. I'm still breastfeeding and my son is 19 mos. It's not as easy for the weight to come off now then it was the first year of breastfeeding. I wish I had started sooner but better late then never.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Thanks so much for the advice lovely mummies and well done on your own weight loss. I have been just eating the daily calorie allowance but have already lost 6 pounds in 10 days and noticed my son is a little irritable (usually a very happy baby).. so those extra calories would help keep my milk supply up. He keeps pinching the skin on my chest (ouch) and breaking off mid-feed crying.... must not be getting enough.
    I put on masses of weight during pregnancy, I stopped getting on scales at week 12, when I had already gained a stone! I am realistic about how long it will take to get the weight off and my main priority is feeding the baby..... although I would like to loose the weight before the next precious bundle is concieved! :happy: