Anyone else struggle quitting?

I'm looking for some suggestions on how to stop drinking to get this weight loss thing jump-started. For better for worse, I have a reputation for being a wine connoisseur, wine lover, and lover of good times all around. Most of the situations where I'm "expected" or order the wine, drink, etc. is for work, and I'm struggling with how to tell people that I don't want to drink- or want to stop- for a while. They look at me as if I have 4 heads. It's as if being pregnant is the only legitimate 'excuse' I'd have for not drinking. I've thought about telling them that I'm on medication and can't drink. I'm just a little embarrassed to tell people that I work with that I'm trying to lose weight, as they're mostly men. Anyway, I know the easiest thing to do is to say "no" and drink something else, but people are surprised and want an explanation...any suggestions?
Thx in advance! dlj


  • Katrina326
    Katrina326 Posts: 4 Member
    I too love to have a drink or three and found it really really hard for the first couple of weeks. I have been really boring though and have not been out since I started my weight loss goal.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    You can still order the wine for them but just tell them that you don't feel like drinking right at this moment. It's your right to drink or not drink and they should be ashamed of themselves if they are pressuring you are anyone to drink. Just say "No". and It's none of their business or anyone else's in fact why you are choosing not to drink.
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    I'd be interested to hear how people have got round this....I thought about waiting for Lent and then saying i had given it up for lent ....or you could just say it's a challenge you have set yourself or a competition you are having with a friend to see who can give it up for longest. It's not easy ...i could give up every other alcohol but i looooooovvvveeeeee red wine :-)

  • NineInchGirl
    For anything you wanna quit babe, you gotta remind yourself that it takes exactly 21 days to get rid of a bad habit! Could be pop, ciggies, wine, sugar..

    i wish i could tell you that there's a magic pill but there isnt :( Although, you will start feeling much better after day 3! its almost like a detox! And you gotta have plan B or C in case a craving pops out of nowhere! Could be like..writing down how you feel or calling someone or msging me and ranting about it ;)

    You are strong and you can do this! Set your mind to it and you will get rid of an bad habbit you got! Just 21 lil days!!
  • get_it_gone2012
    i always drink, and I'm still losing weight. I just know that if I'm going out at night, exercise during the day and give myself some drinking cals! It's been working for me =)

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  • kprewitt88
    theres always light beer or something light
  • littlelionesslove
    Drink, club dance, drink, club dance more. Lol...sorry I know this is a serious post.

    I honestly don't have any suggestions other than that though because I wouldn't know either!