

  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    If you keep with it and keep improving your time, it will get easier! I NEVER used to b a jogger at all and when i first started "jogging" i couldnt even go 5min wout having to slow down! Now I can go for 35-40min wout stopping or slowing down my pace :) best thing to do is FIRST have great music to keep you going, SECOND have the I CAN attidude.. You really can do it, its just your mind that feels like you have to give up but if you keep your feet moving, you can push through it. also do walk, jog intervals. try walking for 2min, jog for 3 or so fourth and keep improving your jog time the more fit and stronger you get. your endurace will build up if you keep at it! interval training like that is a great calorie burn. switching up your pace from intense to easy will keep your HR up! Just keep at it, and dont give up. I promise if you do that, you will be a JOGGER ;) I never thought id live to the day i could say i consider myself a "jogger/runner" but apparently i had it in me, i just didnt realize it
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Try doing a walk run combo. On January 1st I started a program like that. On the first week I was running for 90 seconds and walking for a minute. Today I made my first 30 minute run.
    google learn to run or try this site (one of the results from previous search) http://www.runningplanet.com/training/beginning-runner-program.html
    it will walk you through the method mentioned above. I also noticed one on there where the running coach had ipod/mp3 recordings that you could listen to while doing their workout that would help you through it.

    I've always found that in order to enjoy running, you need to run somewhere you like (good scenery) and maybe have some good music or e-books or podcasts to listen to. I only wish I could still do it. I used to run on the boardwalk everyday when I was in high school or feeling stressed out. I miss both the running and the ocean terribly.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Running isn't for everybody. Some can some can't. If you can't find something else.

    Another subject though is this bailing out of something only because it's difficult at first and it makes you sweat. Well that's the whole point!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    You're not alone!
    I once heard a stat that said that only a very small percentage of the human population has a body designed to run!
    So, it's ok if you're not one of them!

    I.E. I really rarely jog, I love Zumba, swimming, biking, power walking...But my husband cannot get enough of running...it makes him feel amazing...

    Try something else! ; )
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I once heard a stat that said that only a very small percentage of the human population has a body designed to run!

    When I said "some can, some can't" - I meant mentally not physically.

    We're all "designed to run". Some people are marginally more mechanically efficient than others but we're all designed to run. We all have the same evolution! It's just a rubbish excuse.


  • cohollywood
    I've never been a runner either - even when I was super skinny and played sports, etc. in high school, I still couldn't run a mile straight. I started the C25K program because I wanted to be able to say I could do it...I'm still only on week 5, but I'm getting there. I still don't "like" it by any means, but, I know it's good for me in the long run, and I want to accomplish that goal realllllly badly!

    One thing I can suggest, and that seems to be a common thought among runners is that if you are going to do it, make sure you get the right shoes! I just got fitted for shoes yesterday, did a run, and it was much better on my calves/toes/shins. It still sucked elsewhere, but at least some of my problems were solved!

    I like Carli's podcast at www.runningintoshape.com. Now that I'm on week 5 though, I'm considering just doing it on my own now. I ran 2 miles the other day straight (24 minutes), so I think I'm just going to start working up to 3 miles.

    Good luck! If you have don't have a mindset that you really want to become a runner, I agree with the others - find something you enjoy more!