

  • douganl
    douganl Posts: 283 Member
    If I looked like my girl cyclindiva, I'd be posting my picture too :wink:

    You guys look friggin awesome and you should be very very proud! If I were gay I'd say "GIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRL, you are looking HOT :blushing:

    YOU GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    You all are too sweet :blushing: I want to lose 15 more lbs. OK I'm pretty much killing myself to lose 15 more lbs., but I am working on sculpting as well! My legs, upper arms and lower back (yes my lower back) and flanks need some serious attention.
    It's crazy how your weight shifts to different parts of the body as you age...I HATE IT!!!! :grumble:
    I want my legs to look short, stalky and gorgeous again like our cute, Em A.K.A iluvsparkles.
    her legs are shaped like mine, but hers are looking FANTASTIC! :happy:
    Em you can show off and brag all you want because you are totally inspiring me girlie :bigsmile:
    Thanks again you all,
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    i think if we somehow merged, we would have what we are looking for. My legs may be toned, but my belly is nowhere near as flat and gorgeous as yours!!

    All i know is that i am glad we all have this place to come together and help each other, because Lord knows i dont get all the encouragement i require need in 'real life'!