Now that I cant eat I'm Angry!!



  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    I do understand what you mean :)

    Watch this video. I found it by accident the other day and now think about it (and do the same!) every time things seem to be getting a bit out of control - which is easy when you're watching your food, just quit smoking, and lead a really busy life!

    Trust me, it will make you smile and if you watch it once a day, you'll be reminded of why it is better - especially for yourself - to steam away in a positive fashion ;)

    All the best x
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I definatly get b!tchy when I get hungry. So I dont let myself get there!~! I know its hard, expecially when dieting, but when your hungry- your hungry!~! Try eating 5-6 small meals a day, or having healthy snacks between meals. Also drinks LOTS of water, it helps your body think its fuller longer. (At least for me) Do you have problems with blood suger? If your body gets too hungry you might be bottoming out and that is causing mood swings. If you cant keep snacks around try getting a healthy bar (my fav is FIber One-- the chocolate and oats is SOOO good) keep a bar or two in your car or purse, another good thing to keep around is nuts. Get some snack baggies and throw some nuts in them (best to count out a certain calorie amount so u dont overeat them) This way, if you get hungry you can grab a healthy snack that you have on hand instead of getting upset.

    Always keep in mind that you are doing this for yourself so you have a healthier, happier life. You are not "dieting" you are living healthy. Keep your head up, have fun and dont forget to smile!~!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Personally, I like the patty-cake cats video myself.

    I find I get irritable when my blood sugar drops. I make sure I keep a supply of veggies and protein around and eat at regular intervals - like every two hours or so. It helps!
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    For those of us who is our best friend. I have spent more time with food throughout my life than I have my own parents, siblings, husband or children. Food and I were very intimate. Think of how a person grieves when a loved one dies. They go through shock, denial, and anger is one of the stages of grief. When I started this lifestyle change it was as if my best friend died. He could no longer be there every time I needed him. I couldn't just turn to him anymore to cover my emotions. I could no longer sneak and have a late night fling with him. Yes, I was angry! I still am some days! It is completely normal. R.I.P. to my best friend!
    I totally agree!!!!

    I belonged to Overeaters Anonymous and one of the symptoms of giving up was learning how to live and feel our emotions without turning to the drug of choice (food). Anger certainly reared its ugly head for me and I'm not normally an angry person. It is like going through grief for a lost loved one and I can identify with the OP and this one.

    Each time you get through an episode without picking up food, the next time is easier.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi there. It will get better. You need to understand that there are all sorts of chemicals and things in foods that effects our body. Depending on the diet that you have been accustomed to prior to this. If you have drastically changed sugars, salts, or caffeine. It will tend to make you grumpy till your body levels off. Salts for instance can have an effect on your blood pressure causing irritability, and lack of sugars or caffeinated beverages can cause withdrawal like symptoms or lack of energy, but as your body readjusts you will start to feel better. How long have you been changing your diet?
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Actually there is a scientific explanation. When released to our brains, the hormone serotonin gives us the feeling of well-being and contentment. Unfortunately, when our bodies have low serotonin levels, we get irritable and generally angry.
    The only way our bodies can produce serotonin is thru the raw materials we gain from our diet. Specifically, we need tryptophan, which is concentrated in foods such as chocolate and poultry. Since eating is the only way we can produce serotonin, it makes sense why people become grumpy when they haven't eaten.

    Here's an article about a test, just in case you think I'm making this up:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    That's exactly it.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I am not an emotional eater, and I have been more irritable these last 6 weeks. I was expressing my frustrations about some personal issues with a good friend, who is a social worker, and she explained that the changes I'm making in my life -- exercising, eating healthier, making myself healthier overall -- is similar to what a drug addict goes through. Once an addict goes through detox, and comes out they see the mess their life has become -- they're surroundings, the people in their life -- and they just want to clean everything up. One of my frustrations had to do with my fiance', and his lack of concern for his own health. Her explanation made sense, and helped to explain some of my impatience with him.

    I also think the science makes sense as well. Many of the prepackaged/processed foods, junk foods -- foods loaded with salt, fat, sugar, and other chemicals, have made us addicted to them. Not just physically, but psychologically as well. It has a lot to do with the pleasure/reward system hardwired in our brains. It's chemical -- dopamine is released whenever we experience pleasure, it makes us feel good and so we want more.

    It would make sense that when we stop eating this junk, that we would go through a type of withdrawal. How long? Who knows, it's different for everybody.

    There is a good book called The End of Overeating that explains this process very well.

    edited for typos
  • arsonsmom
    arsonsmom Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your support all of your post have really helped me to understand what's going on!! It is so nice to have a place to go to have support!!1:smile:
  • lawdhelpme2
    I am angry all the time. I think its because I don't get enough carbs. lol There is a season for everything, everyday is not going to be a good day. So today just wasn't a good day for you, the best is yet to come.