
kristineh86 Posts: 134
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I just want to introduce myself to everyone. I just lost 44 pounds on weight watchers and I just joined this to help me maintain my weight! Thanks and good luck everyone!


  • kristineh86
    kristineh86 Posts: 134
    Hi! I just want to introduce myself to everyone. I just lost 44 pounds on weight watchers and I just joined this to help me maintain my weight! Thanks and good luck everyone!
  • jen77
    jen77 Posts: 9
    That's great! WW is awesome. Did you go to the meetings to lose your 44 pounds or did you do it at home? Congratualtions on your weight loss
  • kristineh86
    kristineh86 Posts: 134
    Hey! I went to the meetings. At first I was really good about going every week but when i went back to school, it was a lot harder. I am really amazed at how much I could stick with it while in college. I am now lifetime so I only have to go every month. I definitely recommend WW!
  • natalie1
    natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi! Welcome! Congratulations on your ideal weight. How long did it take you to loose all that weight?
    WW seems to be a good program. How much do you think ,going on those meetings is helpfull? I was considering to sign up on their on-line version. Do you think it is worth it? Can you tell us little bit about WW?
  • jen77
    jen77 Posts: 9
    I don't know how long it took kristineh86 to get to the ideal weight, but I lost 56 pounds on WW in 6 months. I quit going to the meetings and gained it back over a period of 3 years. The accountability of weighing in at those meetings was what kept me on track. Also, the recognition they give you in front of every member when you have a loss really makes a person want to keep up the good work. Positive encouragement is what we all crave and recognition for our hard work and accomplishments. On WW you get to eat whatever you want, you just have to track it and make sure you don't go over your daily allowance of points. Points are calculated by calories, fat and fiber in foods. If you stay within the points allowance, you lose weight. You have to make sure and get your water and exercise as well. I'm hoping that MFP and my monthly weigh in at the doctor will keep me on track this time.
  • kristineh86
    kristineh86 Posts: 134
    I couldn't have said it any better myself! WW works. Really. I guess it took me about 8 months to be at the weight I am right now. I am just so desparate to not go back to my old ways! I also think you NEED to exercise in order to lose weight. That along with dieting seriously works wonders ;) WW taught me SOO much...it really was a lifestyle change. Going to meetings is essential, in the beginning. They give you SO many good tips and advice. Let me know if you have any more questions and good luck!
  • natalie1
    natalie1 Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks, that helped. My other concern with WW is: food choices. In order to follow their point system, do I need to be eating "Their" food? If not, how will I figure out points? I have 4; 5; 18 y old kids to buy different food choices. I know I will not be able to survive on WW frozen and canned food.
  • jen77
    jen77 Posts: 9
    You SO don't even need to worry about that. All food has a point value. You will get a little points calculator and as long as you know the calories, fat and fiber of the food, you can calculate the points. The high fiber, low fat foods have the least amount of points. It's really a good plan and easy to follow. I know it's somewhat hard to understand without someone physically showing you how to use the points calculator, but it really is easy. You will like it, I don't know anyone who will tell you WW didn't work for them as long as they stayed within the guidelines. I am going on vacation tomorrow but will be back next week. I look forward to visiting with you when I get back. Good luck in your journey!
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