working out the next morning...?

So I had a horrible dinner... my day started off fairly well until someone brought chinese food, and although it was ridiculously good, and momentarily enjoyable, I went over 400 calories. Being that I'm small, and am trying to lose 10-15 pounds, 400 calories really makes a difference.

The question is... since I didn't have time to work out (it's 3am), would it be viable to work out like a madwoman tomorrow morning to try to alleviate the situation? Maybe it has already turned to fat and I'll just be going into starvation mode...


  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    400 extra calories won't hurt your weight loss goal. If you look at it from a weekly standpoint, you can still meet your calorie deficit for whatever amount of weight you're trying to lose per week.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I would let it go and continue what you were doing prior to the Chinese food. Don't "punish" yourself for a little freedom once in a while. Stick to whatever routine you've been doing.

    Tonight my wife and I had our first date night in quite a while. She's 37 weeks pregnant with our 2nd and we had an overnight sitter so we took advantage. Nice restaurant, 3 courses, 2 liters of water, dessert, AND....on the way home we stopped to get a couple of movies and once home I ate an entire bag of Almond M&M's...1400 calories. So don't feel bad. Just get back on track.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    400 calories every now and then won't derail you at all. And it takes longer than a few hours to turn to fat. If it makes you feel better, get a workout in! But don't stress it too much. We need these kinds of moments to stay sane during this journey :wink: