Is it unhealthy to have too much protein and fiber?

I've noticed on my nutrition summaries that I am under calorie goal, sodium, carbs, and fat are all good, but by eating healthier, fiber and protein are up? Haven't had much time to research this, but wondering? Is going over on grams of protein and fiber a hinderance when trying to lose weight?


  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    Funny you should ask, I was at the doctor friday and asked the same thing and she said no. Unless you are going number two way too much then you should cut back. :smile:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    This isn't usually a problem. The only time you have to worry about having too much protein is if you have had kidney issues in the past or have had an illness recently that may have stressed them because the excess protein can be difficult to process in already overworked kidneys. If you aren't eating more then 2 grams per kilogram of body weight in protein, though, you're fine, even if you are over the MFP recommendation. As for fiber, it can be a problem with causing constipation or diarrhea depending on your water intake at the same time. As long as your bowels are moving regularly, your fiber intake is fine.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    MFPs fibre goals seem to be very low anyway - you should be aiming for 30g per day for good health.
  • christinslough
    christinslough Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for asking this question and thanks to all for the answers! Today is the first day that I will be going over my protein goal and was wondering the exact same thing... Under calories, fat and sodium and over protein... Have a great day and happy healthy eating!
  • andrewferk
    Research and fiber and protein has shown that it satisfies hunger better than fat and other carbohydrates. Because of this, they both are useful in curbing your appetite and eating too much food, which is a indifference to weight loss.

    Back in June, July, and August of 2010 I was on a regular 20% Fat, 50% carb, 30% protein and even a 40% carb / 40% protein diet. I rarely felt hungry and was forcing food down at the end of the night to reach my calorie goal.

    Also, try to mix your protein up with lean meats (turkey/chicken), fish, and plant based protein (such as soy products).
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    remember fiber to detox protein to get that muscle!:bigsmile: