TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I appear to be over my plateau and have lost 3 lbs since Thursday, making it a total of 93!!!! A little bird sort of whispered to me to not be surprised if I get a party when I hit 100!! (My friend sort of hinted) cool is that???????? I hope I don't get too off track on my vacation!! I want that party!!!!! :bigsmile:

I don't THINK the hair I cut off was 3 lbs worth!!!! :laugh: :laugh:


  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I appear to be over my plateau and have lost 3 lbs since Thursday, making it a total of 93!!!! A little bird sort of whispered to me to not be surprised if I get a party when I hit 100!! (My friend sort of hinted) cool is that???????? I hope I don't get too off track on my vacation!! I want that party!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I don't THINK the hair I cut off was 3 lbs worth!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    Woo hoo!!! That is great - and I LOVE your new haircut!

    Congrats ~ keep up the good work!!!
  • dejones
    dejones Posts: 41
    Great Job!:happy: Keep up the good work
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Great job, I don't think it was the hair..LOL
    Just lots of HARD work and determination
    Keep it up!

  • douganl
    douganl Posts: 283 Member
    That's awesome!!! Love the new hair - you look HOT!!!!
  • laureneva
    laureneva Posts: 372 Member
    wooo go tami!!!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    congrats you sexy thang!:wink:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    haha you sure it wasnt in the hair?:laugh:
    *that kinda sounds mean, i didnt mean it like that sorry:frown:

    wooo go tami!!!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    congrats you sexy thang!:wink:

    Actually, I almost wish it was! My hair had been thinning quite a bit lately, I think because of my drastic weight loss the last 10 months....even done healthy. Your hormones and body chemistry get all out of whack I think....but I have been taking vitamins and making sure to get enough iron, protein and good fats I think it is starting to come in thicker..but the long part of my hair was pretty thin! It was driving me NUTS! This new cut is SOOO much better!

    Also, I wonder if my scale was acting up a little....because it had me stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks....and on Thursday (my normal weigh in day)....I saw a lower weight briefly, and then it jumped back to the weight I had been the week before. Almost like it was stuck there. And then today, I weighed and it was down to that lower number and stayed there even getting off and on 5 times! (I do it to make sure!! hehe). Who knows! All I know is I am SO happy it is lower!!! :laugh: Stupid scales!!
  • laureneva
    laureneva Posts: 372 Member
    haha you sure it wasnt in the hair?:laugh:
    *that kinda sounds mean, i didnt mean it like that sorry:frown:

    wooo go tami!!!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    congrats you sexy thang!:wink:

    Actually, I almost wish it was! My hair had been thinning quite a bit lately, I think because of my drastic weight loss the last 10 months....even done healthy. Your hormones and body chemistry get all out of whack I think....but I have been taking vitamins and making sure to get enough iron, protein and good fats I think it is starting to come in thicker..but the long part of my hair was pretty thin! It was driving me NUTS! This new cut is SOOO much better!

    Also, I wonder if my scale was acting up a little....because it had me stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks....and on Thursday (my normal weigh in day)....I saw a lower weight briefly, and then it jumped back to the weight I had been the week before. Almost like it was stuck there. And then today, I weighed and it was down to that lower number and stayed there even getting off and on 5 times! (I do it to make sure!! hehe). Who knows! All I know is I am SO happy it is lower!!! :laugh: Stupid scales!!
    you should be really proud either way!
    its quite an acheivement
  • shashod
    shashod Posts: 103
    Congrat :drinker: :drinker:
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Congratulations! and great haircut!
  • angievan26
    angievan26 Posts: 212
    you look great . keep up all that good work and when it is time for your party enjoy every min. because you earned it
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    The first thing i noticed was the new cut. Im a hairdresser. It looks fantastic. You are such an insparation.. I am having the hardest time staying on track and motivated now that the kids are out of school for the summer. How do you do it???????
    GIGINATOR Posts: 355 Member
    Congrats Tam!!!!! You are truly dedicated and an inspiration for so many of us on here!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    WOW!! Way to go!

    I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago and didn't lose anything :frown: but it was no where near as long as yours!

    But I also doubt your hair weighed that much! Even if it did, who cares! Take the 3 pounds!!
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    That's awesome, Tami! You are truly an inspiration! Also, I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! It looks so great on you!!! I think it's just what you needed with your awesome weightloss!!! SO SEXAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

    93 lbs! Just... well... AMAZING!!! Great job!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Kris
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I'll echo all of the sentiments above. You look fantastic! (love love love the haircut!)
    I think my scale has the same illness yours does. It doesn't seem to want to budge. I am glad yours recovered!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    YAY! Congratulations on your successes... and your hair looks fabulous!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Congrats!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: And I love the new hair!! Looks nice on ya! :bigsmile: I got over mine too...woohooo!!! It's so frustrating when you work so hard and the scale is just stuck...:grumble: But when you finally work over that plateau, it feels sssooooooo gooooood :bigsmile: I did the zig zag calorie thing. I ate a lot one day and a little the next. Of course the days I ate high calories, I did double workouts...whewww that was rough..:laugh: But it seemed to have worked. Congrats again :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    :drinker: Great job:drinker:

  • Quenofcrazzy
    Quenofcrazzy Posts: 358
    I love the hair cut. The curls are so cute!

    I am glad the scale finally moved for you too. My scale is stuck on stupid right now too. It is driving me crazy! Maybe I will go get a hair cut.
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