Morbidly Obese

Today I saw the most amazing, encouraging thing. Something that helped me focus on one important fact about nutrition and exercise...that regardless what shape we are in, the simple fact that we are all interested in taking better care of our bodies is a goal to be honored. Mindful eating and finding time for exercise is a challenge for us all.

I was leaving the gym this morning and saw a morbidly obese woman. I noticed some people were too uncomfortable to come close to her. But not me. I walked right next to her and held the door open as we were both leaving the gym for the day. I would have done it for anyone. And I certainly didn't want to treat her any differently. I smiled at her as I do anyone I hold the door for, and she thanked me. She had kindness in her heart. And she was beautiful. I admire her so much for facing one of the most uncomfortable hurdles of getting back on track: being at the gym.

If any of you are over weight, don't feel discouraged about being active in public. While some people may ridicule you, there are others, too, who will admire you for becoming active and making a change. And regardless of what anyone thinks, the most important thing to remember is that you are becoming active for you, your body, and your health...and your family who love you dearly.


  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    Love this!
  • cutelashawn
    good post!
  • kristarablue
    Thank you for this post, it made me cry. It is so hard to work out in public. When I first began to run, I would hide in the trails in the woods so no one would see me, I was so embarrassed. I am not embarrassed anymore but I will never forget how hard it was to begin and how I felt that everyone was laughing at the fat lady trying to run on the trail in the woods. I have more respect in my heart for someone that is just beginning than a seasoned fitness guru, because those first steps are the most difficult.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I agree! Thank you for sharing! :flowerforyou:
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I agree. I get encouraged when I see people starting out in the gym that I go to. I talked to this larger lady on the treadmill next to me and helped her with how to move her arms to help her balance. I know when I started this I was 251lbs. It was embarrassing to go to the gym, but we all start somewhere.
  • Jamiemielke
    Jamiemielke Posts: 40 Member
    Great Post!!! And so true:)
  • mcarmon
    mcarmon Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for this post! It's really encouraging! I never liked going to the gym (still don't, so I don't go) because I felt so out of shape. It always feels like people are judging you, especially if you're like me - breathing all hard and sweating all over the place. I always felt like I had to lose weight and get in shape to go to the gym!'
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    That's awesome! I hope that everyone who wants to get fit feels comfortable at any gym!!! I love mine, it's just really casual and friendly, of course my town is pretty friendly anyway and most of us know each other!!!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    This is amazing! Thanks for posting!
  • krispito1
    Thank you for commenting on this. I really have to motivate myself to go work out because I have a fear of what others around me might think. This is obviously something that I need to get over, but thank you for making it known that it shouldn't matter what what others think because there was always be someone else who admires your desire to make yourself healthy.
  • MannAmanda
    I am 23 and need to lose 81 pounds. I went to the gym to meet with a personal trainer and he actually laughed at me and called me fat to my face. Needless to say I don't work out in public anymore because of it. :-/
  • jjstokes
    jjstokes Posts: 47 Member
    RIGHT ON!! The people with the most courage, and who deserve the most respect, are those that take the first most uncomfortable step in their journey. Then, the wonderful folks that step up along side them and create the team. We all do better with support. This site is wonderful.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Great post!!! My mother quit going to the gym because one of the patrons had something about her being over weight. It broke my heart to hear her tell me this!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Thank you for posting this. My morbidly obese cousin died a week ago. She was trying to get to a gym, but her efforts were inconsistent. I know public perception was at least partially responsible for her inconsistency.

    And thanks for showing kindness to someone who needed support at that time.

  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Good for you... no matter the shape or size of a person, they are still just that - a person!

    For those of you who battle with the idea of going to a gym for fear of how others may view you, please check out my blog entry about the topic:

    It is hard to keep the courage... but there are those of us who are inspired by you.
  • Leesa22
    Leesa22 Posts: 73 Member
    I am 23 and need to lose 81 pounds. I went to the gym to meet with a personal trainer and he actually laughed at me and called me fat to my face. Needless to say I don't work out in public anymore because of it. :-/
    First he should have been reported, trainers should be there to help you not insult you, don't let a jerk like that get to you. I started going to the gym when I was 275 pounds and never looked back, it is what is helping me keep on track. I have this one class I take and she modifies things for me, not for my weight but for foot issues, so please don't be discouraged, either report him or find a new gym. If you have Curves around they are a great place to start if you are still weary of the gym.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I am 23 and need to lose 81 pounds. I went to the gym to meet with a personal trainer and he actually laughed at me and called me fat to my face. Needless to say I don't work out in public anymore because of it. :-/

    Wow that's horrible. Someone like that does not deserve to be a personal trainer... Find another one... one who is not an a-hole.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    When I was in the latter years of school, I was obese along with a few other class mates and we were discussing using a gym. The conversation quickly ended as we all decided we would have to lose weight before we even set foot inside a gym because of the embarrassment of trying to use the equipment while body builders strutted around in hot pants and sports bras laughing at us. I didnt enter a gym until about 4 years after that conversation because I was so terrified. Its not right. My teenage years were the most depressing of my life because I was so overweight and too afraid and clueless to do anything about it. Now that I think back on it, what was so wrong with acknowledging I had made bad health choices and I was trying to make it better? My problem is that I care WAY TOO MUCH about what other people think of me :(
  • b_hobbs
    b_hobbs Posts: 11 Member
    Wonderful....thanks for sharing this!
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    i applaud you for posting this....i am morbidly obese and trying very hard to take this terrible tag off of me! it is not easy and i am sure that the people that you noticed ignoring or avoiding her were under the same impression as most..... that is; people who are over weight are lazy slugs who do not care about anything especially themselves. this could not be further from the truth and thank you for touched my heart!
