Working Out/Exercising Every Day Question

I am relatively new here and have a couple questions for you experienced people. I just started the 30 day shred yesterday. Now as I understand it I am supposed to do this everyday for 30 IS MY QUESTION:

I always thought it was bad to work the same muscle groups everyday. Aren't you supposed to rotate through the muscle groups to give the ones you worked today a rest and time to repair themselves? If I do the shred I am going to be working the same muscle groups for at least 10 days if I just do level one....(haven't even looked at level two yet). Maybe I need a different workout.

On the same note. Is it bad to run everyday. I think I've run everyday for the last 30 days.... (maybe I should take a day off????)


  • LegalBeagleJCK
    LegalBeagleJCK Posts: 13 Member
    I'm curious about the "working out every day" thing too.
  • barefootbeautiful
    24 hours is recommended between workouts, so theoretically, yeah, you can work out every day. But you're right - muscles do need time to heal, especially if they aren't USED to working out strenuously every day. I don't know what the 30 Day Shred is, but I would hope that if it's a decent workout program that it would mix muscle groups throught the days so that you aren't straining the same muscle groups every day.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I don't know much, but I work out every day too. I think it's fine as long as you're listening to your body. If your body feels like it needs a day off, take one. If not, keep doing what you're doing.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    You're supposed to work different muscles on different days for strength training. I've never done the 30 day shred but have done other dvd's that work certain muscles and I do those on alternating days (M-W-F) to give my muscles the rest they need to recover. Someone will probably post a better response to this that will help more but that's what I do. As for running that's more cardio so you can do it every day.
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    I did a bootcamp and the workouts were fairly similar everyday. Our trainer told us that we weren't working out our muscles near hard enough to warrant "rest". Don't think 30 Day Shred is that strenuous to require days off (unless your body tells you it does).
  • shabaam
    In my opinion, if your body can handle it, then work out. Whether it be 5 days a week, or 6 days a week, of you do something do what your body can handle.
    I work out hard 5 days a week (yoga, then running, then Insanity) take a rest day, and then do a light work out on Sunday.
    I would suggest to take a rest day though, your body needs a day to relax, so that you dont hit a plateau.

    GL! :)
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Not sure about the 30 Day Shred either, but know I do better with daily work outs. For my strength training, I do rotate different body areas. But if I start thinking I'm only going to the gym five days this week, then I put it off and cram it all in at the end of the week. Next week I convince myself I am tired, and end up only going four days. It is a downward spiral.

    Almost took a rest day yesterday, until my body started to feel so disgusting from sitting around all day, I grabbed the dog and went for a two hour hike. My mind still felt like I cheated a bit, but my body felt stronger for it. Even surprised me today by giving me my longest run yet!
  • aytch_d
    I run every day I work out. which can be every second day one week and then 5 days straight another week... it's just part of what makes me feel good.
    But I do notice that if I have a day off I can build up more stamina. I dont know if this is purely in my head or if I drank coffee or not before I came to the gym, but I truly beleive rest at all levels of fitness is key.
    Maybe it's because of the day off in between that makes me work harder! hahah, guilt is a strong motivator!
    Good luck!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Just my opinion (and what I do myself), but if you're not sore, then it's probably fine to do it every day.

    If you get pretty sore from the workout, I think you should rest. You're sore (I think) because you've broken down the muscles and they need to heal before you break them down again. I'd do something different - like just plain cardio or even just walking instead.

    Eventually, from doing the same thing over and over, you will probably stop getting sore and you will be able to do it every day. I don't really know if this is right, but I think that would mean you are no longer 'building' muscle. Assuming that's your goal, thats when I would want to move to level 2 (the same way I would increase the weight I lift when it's no longer too heavy to lift more than 8-10 times). In which case, you'd maybe be sore again and would need the rest.

    I don't buy into the 10 days each level - what's the point in doing level 1 for 10 days if it's not pushing you really hard - I'd move up to level 2 sooner. And why would you move on to level 2 if you can't fully do most of the moves in level 1 first. I've never looked at level 2, so I guess I don't really know what's different about it - this is just what seems logical to me. I mean - if you can't handle the pushups for level 1 yet, then keep pushing yourself till you can. THEN move to level 2. Maybe 10 days per level is not how it works, but how do you know since she doesn't actually tell you what she expects (at least nowhere that I saw on the video or the case). That just seems to be how most people say you're supposed to do it. I assume they found that info somewhere.

    I was speaking specifically to the 30-day shred. In general, I think working out every day is okay as long as you're body is handling it well. I think I've always heard that you should take one day a week completely off, but I don't see what's wrong with working out every day if you're doing something different (not the exact same thing every day). If you're body tells you it needs rest, then listen to it. But otherwise, maybe just take one day with a "lighter" workout - so you're moving and doing something, but just less strenuous.
  • mislove68
    I personality would rather workout everyday. Everytime I take a break it always seems not worth it. So i workout everyday. I did the 30DS, 3 weeks on lvl 1 and then 10 days of lvl 2 and 10 days of lvl 3 in a row. I lost pounds and many inches. I am sooo much stronger from the shred and so is my husband who also did it everyday.