Can B12 cause migraines?



  • Stockebrand
    Stockebrand Posts: 2 Member
    Just an additional bit of information; if you live in a higher altitude area (one or more miles up) you may be prone to polycythemia, which is an over production of red blood cells. Taking high amounts of B12 or biotin will unmask the symptoms of polycythemia. Some of the symptoms include; headaches, nausea, itchy skin and shortness of breath. Most dr's are not trained to identify the symptoms of polycythemia because there simply are not that many people who live in high altitude areas so the occurrence of HIGH red blood cell counts is not as common as low red blood cell counts.
  • samubig
    samubig Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is mostly old posts... but have been searching for others that get migraines from B12 and to find solutions. I am a firm believer it is a result of my MTHFR gene mutations and the form of B12 we are taking. Up to half the population could have some sort of this mutation and not know it! So many of you here, could just be taking the wrong FORM of B12 or in my case, I think the form I am taking is just building up because I am not methylating correctly yet!

    I am have had migraines most of my life and recently found a way to be in ketosis without the strict diet, that has helped decrease my migraines down to maybe 1 a month that I can usually attribute to that time of the month or my B12 issue that I am determined to find the solution!!! I am finally feeling amazing, aside from the occasional migraine when the B12 builds up too much and I don't catch it before it does. I have read that nonflushing niacin may be a solution. I will keep searching.

    For a few of you that are relying on Meds like Excedrin... PLEASE be careful. Look into Leaky Gut and the causes of Autoimmune (because you are setting yourself up for those rapidly but taking so much pain relief pills. I am there already and working on reversing both!)
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 653 Member
    samubig wrote: »
    For a few of you that are relying on Meds like Excedrin... PLEASE be careful. Look into Leaky Gut and the causes of Autoimmune (because you are setting yourself up for those rapidly but taking so much pain relief pills. I am there already and working on reversing both!)

    Oh please with your Leaky Gut! That's nothing but pseudo science. The only think anyone relying heavily on Excedrin has to worry about is ulcers. I know, I did that to myself twice by overuse of aspirin products trying to control my migraines. But no such thing as leaky gut.