HCG Diet

I saw my niece today who has been on the HCG program. She has alot more weight to lose than me, but she is really dropping the weight. It is temping to just to give it a shot even though I've taken on a healthier lifestyle, am really commited, and I do see progress. The thing is, if I were to switch over to HCG, I would surely see faster progress. I only need to drop 20 pounds, so I need some advice. Would you stay with a slow weightloss with healthy eating habits or would you jump on the band wagon and go for the quick fix?


  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    I would stay with what you are doing now. In the long run you will stay health and are much more likely to keep the wight off. The quick fix is just that a quick fix. You might get to your goal before anyone else but you will also gain it right back.
  • LOVEthighSELF
    LOVEthighSELF Posts: 104 Member
    Whats the HCG diet?
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    That's what I'm afraid of. If I'm gonna do it, I want to do it the right way!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    It's hormone drops or shots that help speed up you metaboism, and eating just 500 calories per day.
  • Belle_Fille
    this is just my 2 cents....
    i think that taking diet pills, or whatever else there is out there is a cop out! its cheating yourself and your body. the healthy way is to do it the right way- by eating healthy and getting active! not by something that promises a "quick fix!"
  • barefootbeautiful
    Do NOT try the hCg diet! It is a starvation diet that supplements with a pregnancy hormone, and it is unhealthy. You are only allowed 500 calories a day, which is supposedly alright because you're taking a hormone that simulates pregnancy, supposedly tricking your body into thinking that it's NOT starving. It is ridiculous, and if you want to lose weight, you should NOT try this. You may lose weight fast - as most on the diet will - but the minute your 6 weeks is up (because you are only allowed to be on it for a few weeks at a time - that should be signal enough that this diet is dangerous) you will gain it back and then some. I have had friends try it; they lost 20-40 pounds in 6 weeks (very dangerous), and then gained 150% of it back. Not only that, but some of them had to severly readjust their thyroid levels because of the damage it did to their system. Do not do this, not if you're serious about getting healthy. In fact, you really should try talking your niece out of it too.
  • Belle_Fille
    It's hormone drops or shots that help speed up you metaboism, and eating just 500 calories per day.
    500 cals a day isnt healthy! your body NEEDS at least 1200!!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Please go look on Dr.Oz's website..he did a whole show on this diet.....here is the link:
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    Holy crap! I just read about that diet. And for anyone reading this wondering if you should do it...DON'T! Hcg is a hormone present generally in women right around when they get pregnant. It is also used by steroid users to fool their system into making more testosterone, eg Manny Ramirez. Meaning, stay on the Hcg long enough, you may end up producing testosterone. Additionally, 500cal a day is horrible for your system. Like you've been reading, your body will go into starvation mode and start eating your muscle for amino acids, all the while trying to store the food you are giving it. Meaning losing muscle and gaining fat. On top of that you're going to try and mess around with injectable hormones! NOT GOOD!
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    You're going to hear a lot of differing opinions on this. I think that you need to do what would be best for you.

    Personally I am not for the HCG diet. 20lbs is not a lot to lose. If you're like me you're going to be more proud of yourself if you put in the hard work and effort to lose those pounds than a faster course of action. You'll also not wreak havoc on your body with hormones or from dropping weight so suddenly and will be more tone if you're working out during the process.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Do it the old fashioned way- hard work, dedication, counting calories. Believe me- it is so rewarding. Don't go for the easy way out. You don't want to gain weight back when you start eating normally. Just know that many people on MFP are doing it this way and will support you. It may not happen over night, but slow and steady always wins the race!! :smile: Just my opinion :flowerforyou:
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    HCG is not worth it. Too many people gain back the weight. It sounds like it would set up your body to be in starvation mode. Plus, the healthy way means you will learn more about your body, what works, what doesn't, how you feel when you eat certain food and certain amounts, new recipes you love more than a fat one, etc. Knowledge about your body and how to best take care of it is priceless. People try to sell you their diets because they can't sell you knowledge--it's FREE.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I haven't told my neice the drawbacks I have heard about HCG because she just got hired at a diet clinic and they put her on it so she can show their customers her before and after!
  • Belle_Fille
    Do NOT try the hCg diet! It is a starvation diet that supplements with a pregnancy hormone, and it is unhealthy. You are only allowed 500 calories a day, which is supposedly alright because you're taking a hormone that simulates pregnancy, supposedly tricking your body into thinking that it's NOT starving. It is ridiculous, and if you want to lose weight, you should NOT try this. You may lose weight fast - as most on the diet will - but the minute your 6 weeks is up (because you are only allowed to be on it for a few weeks at a time - that should be signal enough that this diet is dangerous) you will gain it back and then some. I have had friends try it; they lost 20-40 pounds in 6 weeks (very dangerous), and then gained 150% of it back. Not only that, but some of them had to severly readjust their thyroid levels because of the damage it did to their system. Do not do this, not if you're serious about getting healthy. In fact, you really should try talking your niece out of it too.

    thanks for this. im making it a note on my facebook, if you dont mind. i have a friend who is doing this. and she swears its "ok" because shes losing weight. i have tried telling her that it didnt sound safe or realistic, but she doesnt want to hear it!
  • barefootbeautiful
    I haven't told my neice the drawbacks I have heard about HCG because she just got hired at a diet clinic and they put her on it so she can show their customers her before and after!

    If they want to be honest, they should do an after after photo, when she not only gains the weight back, but has to readjust her entire digestive/endocrine system. It really is a dangerous diet, and I am scared/apalled that any diet clinic would recommend this. If you can't get her off of it, at least warn her. And then keep an eye on her.
  • second_1
    second_1 Posts: 45 Member
    As with ANY diet do your own research. I did. Many of the people adding their opinions in are adding just that- opinions. If you actaully did the research you would know that the HCG diet ENCOURAGES healthy food choices. Everybody gets stuck on the 500 calorie portion of the diet -IF they have not looked into it further and they form their opinions from that. MY husband was one of those people. Until he started checking into it further. Yes it is a pregnancy hormone- but it does NOT trick your body into thinking its pregnant. But it does encourage your body to release the energy/calories and nutrients that it has stored- up to about 3000 calories worth daily, in addition to the 500 calories you consume. And when you are eating healthy foods-not processed junk- 500 calories goes a loooong ways. On that portion of the diet I ate more than I did BEFORE the diet, on a daily basis. Two protiens, two vegetables and two servings of fruits a day plus crackers. It was enough to keep me from having any hunger. I did not go into starvation mode because your body is releasing much more calorie-wise than just the 500 your taking in thru eating. I did not lose muscle over fat. I was able to monitor my fat percentages vs lean body mass. I lost about half a pound a day of fat. In all I have lost close to 50 pounds and my husband, who also ended up on the HCG diet, lost 80 pounds. We have maintained with no problems for several months now- we started back in July. Being on the HCG diet taught us to make healthier food choices and to recognize proper portion sizes. As a side note- I used the hHCG which is a homepathic version (drops) -works just as well as the HCG and with homeopathic there are NO side effects.
    Using any diet aid is cheating? wow, really? To each his own, if it works for you and is not harmful, and it gets you to drop the weight which IS harmful -then who are you to call another a cheater? Harsh. I am almost 50 pounds lighter and maintaining beautifully, thank you very much. HCG is what helped me to accomplish that.
    There are MANY critics- but not many 'informed' critics of this particular diet.
  • Belle_Fille
    I haven't told my neice the drawbacks I have heard about HCG because she just got hired at a diet clinic and they put her on it so she can show their customers her before and after!

    If they want to be honest, they should do an after after photo, when she not only gains the weight back, but has to readjust her entire digestive/endocrine system. It really is a dangerous diet, and I am scared/apalled that any diet clinic would recommend this. If you can't get her off of it, at least warn her. And then keep an eye on her.
    this! and i wouldnt want to work for a company that put my health at risk just to "prove" to their customers that the product "works" (and in turn, hurting the customers!)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'd stick with what you are doing. It may be slow but it will come off and you sound dedicated so It will probably stay off as well.
  • Belle_Fille
    As with ANY diet do your own research. I did. Many of the people adding their opinions in are adding just that- opinions. If you actaully did the research you would know that the HCG diet ENCOURAGES healthy food choices. Everybody gets stuck on the 500 calorie portion of the diet -IF they have not looked into it further and they form their opinions from that. MY husband was one of those people. Until he started checking into it further. Yes it is a pregnancy hormone- but it does NOT trick your body into thinking its pregnant. But it does encourage your body to release the energy/calories and nutrients that it has stored- up to about 3000 calories worth daily, in addition to the 500 calories you consume. And when you are eating healthy foods-not processed junk- 500 calories goes a loooong ways. On that portion of the diet I ate more than I did BEFORE the diet, on a daily basis. Two protiens, two vegetables and two servings of fruits a day plus crackers. It was enough to keep me from having any hunger. I lost about half a pound a day. In all I have lost close to 50 pounds and my husband, who also ended up on the HCG diet, lost 80 pounds. We have maintained with no problems for several months now- we started back in July. Being on the HCG diet taught us to make healthier food choices and to recognize proper portion sizes.
    Using any diet aid is cheating? wow, really? To each his own, if it works for you and is not harmful, and it gets you to drop the weight which IS harmful -then who are you to call another a cheater? Harsh. I am almost 50 pounds lighter and maintaining beautifully, thank you very much. HCG is what helped me to accomplish that.
    give it time. im sure this too will soon be recalled, or doctors, nutritionists, etc, will be hollering about all the side effects. (short term, long term, whatever) and yes. i believe it is cheating. why cant you put in the hard work and get healthy yourself?
  • second_1
    second_1 Posts: 45 Member
    As with ANY diet do your own research. I did. Many of the people adding their opinions in are adding just that- opinions. If you actaully did the research you would know that the HCG diet ENCOURAGES healthy food choices. Everybody gets stuck on the 500 calorie portion of the diet -IF they have not looked into it further and they form their opinions from that. MY husband was one of those people. Until he started checking into it further. Yes it is a pregnancy hormone- but it does NOT trick your body into thinking its pregnant. But it does encourage your body to release the energy/calories and nutrients that it has stored- up to about 3000 calories worth daily, in addition to the 500 calories you consume. And when you are eating healthy foods-not processed junk- 500 calories goes a loooong ways. On that portion of the diet I ate more than I did BEFORE the diet, on a daily basis. Two protiens, two vegetables and two servings of fruits a day plus crackers. It was enough to keep me from having any hunger. I lost about half a pound a day. In all I have lost close to 50 pounds and my husband, who also ended up on the HCG diet, lost 80 pounds. We have maintained with no problems for several months now- we started back in July. Being on the HCG diet taught us to make healthier food choices and to recognize proper portion sizes.
    Using any diet aid is cheating? wow, really? To each his own, if it works for you and is not harmful, and it gets you to drop the weight which IS harmful -then who are you to call another a cheater? Harsh. I am almost 50 pounds lighter and maintaining beautifully, thank you very much. HCG is what helped me to accomplish that.
    give it time. im sure this too will soon be recalled, or doctors, nutritionists, etc, will be hollering about all the side effects. (short term, long term, whatever) and yes. i believe it is cheating. why cant you put in the hard work and get healthy yourself?

    Give it time? This diet has been around for over 40 years. How much more time do you think we should give it? It was developed and throughly researched by a medical doctor. There have been no side effects found. Maybe we should wait another 20 to see? :) Call it what you will- sounds like a pre judgement based on very little knowledge. I AM healthy and have put in hard work. No healthy lifestyle change is easy or without effort.The hHCG portion is for a short period of time- the lifestyle change is for the rest of my life. I am now in a healthier place than I have been in my entire adult life.
    If you have not spent time researching and learning about it or actually experiencing it- dont make the judgement calls. Thats like asking a mechanic about how to fix a cars engine and the gardener pipes up with the horror stories he has heard from a friend of a friend...