Hello Everyone!!!

Hi my name is Doug. I am 33 years old and as a skinny kid was obese according to the BMI. I personally feel that the BMI is a crock. It doesnt take into consideration muscle mass or bone density but anyway. Ive gain a bit of weight when my wife had our children. 15 pounds with my son and 10 with my daughter. Ive always been a pretty big eater but always had athletics to give my metabolism a jump start. My ideal weight would be around 200. Thats still obese according to the BMI but I just told you how I feel about that. The most important thing for me is that I am not dieting. Dieting has never worked for me. If I cut out foods I love then I always crash and burn. My strategy is to cut my portions in half. So far been pretty successful. Its been a week and Im down 3 lbs. I really hope to keep it going. Im excited about the weight loss so far and think Im finally ready to make the adjustment to a healthy me while still enjoying food. Wish me luck and I look forward to your tips and guidance through out this process. Good luck to all on here who have made the commitment to being a new you.

