Chilly hello from Montana

:smooched: New to this site and loving it. Wanted to say hello and I look forward to following many of you on your life journey!


  • kathy8876
    Welcome Corblou! I know what you mean by chilly, we had snow here today in Vancouver! Good luck your journey!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I'll take chilly please over 38C 60% humidy in West Aussieland at present :/

    Welcome and good luck with your goals :)
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome! I'm next door in Idaho and I feel your chills! :) You are going to love this site! It has changed my husband's and my life, for we look, feel and live so much healthier. There are wonderful people on here and the support and motivation is amazing! Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you like :)
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome from a fellow Montana resident!
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    Welcome! I live in NW Montana. It's been snowing all day! I've learned to appreciate the snow, shoveling burns a lot of calories!
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    Welcome :)