Alcohol - are you feeling guilty?



  • I am not even talking about getting drunk to decrease your inhibitions, or doing things you may regret later. Just keeping up with your diet. As much as I try not to drink it, I still do. A bottle of beer here, a glass of wine there...
    Most of you know that 1g of alcohol gives you about 7 pretty much "empty" calories...

    Are you feeling guilty? What to do?

    What do you do after? drop and do 150 push-ups? dance the night away?

    i am feeling guilty today, as i was in barcelona and went on a 5 day alcohol binge finishing yesterday. I feel bloated and just not good. Thought my 8 mile cycle this morning would have helped.

    but at times needs is a must!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I don't feel guilty. I budget calories for alcohol (usually red wine) then make sure I log whatever I drink. I don't drink soda or anything nonalcoholic besides water, green tea, or the occasional coffee, so I have room for some empty calories here and there.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    No guilt here. I'm only an occasional drinker of alcohol, and the odd occasion when I have a beer or glass of wine, I will log it in my diary as I do with anything. As it is an occasional thing, and always fits within my daily goals, I don't have to do anything to make up for it at all.

    That beer I had the other night was pretty darn tasty, too!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I do one of two things.....enjoy a drink when my calories allow...I pass it up when I don't have the cals to spare. That happens on a weeknight or run of the mill weekend...etc...sometimes a beer with pizza is so good etc but I for one am content with water or diet coke if I don't have cals to spare.

    Otherwise, I drink alcohol on a predetermined "free" day. I had a wonderful date night with my dh thisweekend. That onle happens onceevry few months....I worked out, ate reasonably all day then just enjoyed my night. I didn't count calories,ate dessert and had dri ks. Yes we danced and walked a lot but that was to enjoy each other. If those dates happened once a week however I would probable make sure I saved some calories and danced the night away to burn off the empty cals
  • Alcohol sabotaged all my clean eating efforts. It started out with just a glass of wine, then a beer with pizza, then going to a friend's party. All that over an extended period of time, mind you. Then I started making my own drinks on the weekend. I loved getting that slight buzz. Then it was every day. A light bulb hit New year's eve. Long story short, it got out of hand to the extent that it was effecting my marriage and then I realized that all that sugar in my drinks was making me crave sugar and junk food. I was slowly hating to eat clean. I gained 15 lbs within a 2 month period and only thought about eating junk.
    I decided to quit all together. And after 2 months I've lost 10 lbs, feel great, love eating clean and have gotten back on track with everything. Actually, I am so much more motivated now.
    All sugar does is make you crave more. So I've cut that out too as much as humanly possible. I don't even think about junk food anymore.
    Just want you guys to be aware that the sugar in alcohol can effect what you eat.

    Thank you, that's what I feel happens to me: beer, a slice a pizza that tastes good too...and than maybe another beer..can't help it unless i don't use it - 'cause it tastes too good.
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I had one of my rare nights out with empty alcohol calories. After I was dropped off back at home, I started
    having empty food calories. A rough one-two punch
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    I tend to fit in with the majority on here I think. When I'm watching my calories, which should be all the time but I've lapsed recently so I'm trying not to come across like some kind of saint - so when I'm following MFP guidelines correctly then I don't drink in the week but may have a glass or two (small) of wine on a Friday and Saturday evening.

    I don't eat puddings or sweets so I guess its' the equivalent of a chocolate cake or bar for others. These are empty calories for sure but they're not fat calories or junk calories. Plus I enjoy the wine; I try to make sure I have it with food and count it in my log hopefully having exercised for real or exercised restraint in order to havethe calories available to me. And if I haven''t, then I haven't so I probably won't lose as much weight that week but I know why and it's there in my diary with no one to blame but me.

    I know that if I have a drink without eating then I'll be right there tucking into the crisps etc so I've learned to TRY not to do that...too often.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i dont drink often, only like once a month, maybe twice...but i do nothing differently...i get back on track and on with my life the next day.
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