New Girl!

Hi Everyone.
Ive finally decided to do it! I have put it off for years but seeing how fantastic my cousin looks after losing 5 stone has given me a kick up the bum!! I have my holiday booked for July wich has given me something to work towards but my big goal is for next October when i go back to India. I want to be able to enjoy myself and not have to cover up for the whole holiday!

Ive had my first weeks weigh in and I've lost 6lb! Im soooo happy!

Good luck to everyone for this week!
Keira x


  • Andy_UK_1979
    Welcome and good luck - I have just started a few weeks ago too and its working so far. The people are nice and there are loads of interesting topics in these forums to help us.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, and again good luck on your journey.

  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, Keira. Welcome! This is a great group for support.
  • kikijane
    kikijane Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys. This is a great site. Not had a chance to have a good look around it yet but i find it really helpful with the food side of things. It told me off for not eating enough so I'll have to bump up the cals today!
    Nicole you've done amazing!
    And Andy good luck to you too. 10lbs is fantastic in just a couple of weeks!
    We can do it!!!
    Keira x