Need Motivation/ Happy Foods

erinlyon Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I am trying to get out of my funk of depression and anxiety. I have been feeling pretty good mostly, I am ready to start the weight loss portion, by the motivation to keep up on other things in my life is at a stand still. In turn, it has been effecting how much I am willing to exercise :( Is there anything that I can eat/add to my diet that isn't just good for my body, but good for my mind and soul too? Herbal remedies etc...? Anything at this point would be an improvment. Thanks :)


  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    My doc once recommended Brewer's Yeast - Vitamin B as a 'pick you up'.

    Worked for me

    Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I didn't look where you live, but I know vitamin D helps with the seasonal depression. If you aren't out in the sunshine, your body doesn't produce as much of it, so sometimes supplements help. Vitamin D helps with the seritonin (or however you spell it) uptake, which helps with moods. In excess, however, it could be hard on your kidneys because it is fat soluable.

    I take it's worth checking in to.

    Good look!
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    i have dealt with depression for the past 10 years..and i am finally getting out of it. I think what has helped me was the change in my diet..i've added lots of fruits and veggies and control my portion size...and i drink tons of water. On top of that i take a multi-vitamin each night before going to bed....finally...i evaluated why i was depressed or what was triggering it...turns out i was hanging out with the wrong type of people...people that said were friends but really were i decided to cut ties with them...and see thing more in a positive light....

    its worked for me so far and im much more happier and content with myself. hope this helps for u
  • taralynne9875
    taralynne9875 Posts: 8 Member
    Check out this site!! Feel better :)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member

    Also...just a thought. But, maybe you do have depression. There's nothing wrong with it, and if meds would help, it may be worth a talk to your doctor. I'm on antidepressants...and I'm not ashamed! It's a chemical inbalance in the brain, nothing you can do about it sometimes.

    Good luck!
  • :happy: wow I had no idea :) Thanks for the helpful tip, i'll stop by the drug store and pick me up some Vitamin B tonight!!
  • You hit the nail on the head with this one. You'd think that because I live in Vermont it's always sunny, not the case. It is statistically proven that seasonal depression in Vermont is very high. we lose the sun so much quicker in the day because of the mountains hiding it. I do add Vitamin D to my diet, but I have forgotten to take it all this week. I will make sure to fix that tonight when I get home :)
  • Tara~ Great site. I have sea food, crustaian or otherwise. I have been thinking of adding fish oil pills to my dily vitamin intake. I think you just made up my mind for me :)
  • taralynne9875
    taralynne9875 Posts: 8 Member
    Hope you are feeling better!!!
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