Please I need help desperately!

Over the last year I have lost close to 60pounds by severely restricting my diet and alcohol consumption. As of the holidays these past few months my eating habbits are slowly getting worse and worse. As a result I've gained back almost 11 pounds and I'm beginging to take drastic measures. I've taken laxatives to drop a few pounds quickly which only had adverse results. I've tried not eating all day....I gained weight. I've taken diet pills that dont work and I've given in to cravings and felt guilty when I see the scale the next day. I am crashing and burning hard and fast.
At first I thought because I had joined a gym and began running that some of the weight gain could be due to muscle. When I look at my body however I can tell where I've gained the weight back....and what's hanging over my pants does not look like muscle.
I feel like I'm at a wall. What worked for me last year is no longer working for me and the panic is setting in even though I'm trying so hard to reverse this weight gain. I can see in my reporst it's literally over this month of Feb.
I know what you might be thinking....I've taken multiple pregnancy tests and they're all negative.
What is going on with my body? Why am I gaining even when I eat nothing all day? Am I working out too much? Am I not eating enough calories? Too many?
If there is anyone out there who has extensive knowledge of nutrition, excercise and weightloss please contact me. I am desperate for information that could help.


  • mlemonroe2
    Well, eating nothing all day is a sure way for your body to hang on to every last bit of food you do put in your mouth. You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day so your body dosn't go into starvation mode. Drink lots of water too. Don't try to lose so fast. You are only hurting yourself. Nerves will also make you hold onto your weight. Calm down, eat, and exercise. The weight will come off.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    just a quick thought sounds like you put your body through He** for a little while!!!!! lax ,diet pills, not eating and now you want it to start losing weight yesterday because you started to exercise. Chill this is life thing not a diet or you will put the weight back on this is not a race and you most not look at a scale for months!!!! yes months get to the gym eat right and give your body a brake........ Your body does not switch gears that quick calm down and do it right or it will all go right back on why the rush?
  • wendalynh
    I feel your pain I'm in a similiar situation. I lost weight this past year and gained alot back over christmas. Now I can't lose it for the life of me. Same thing joined a gym and everything. I can eat or not eat and it doesn't matter. Hopefully someone else knows.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Refocus on your goals...

    Get back into working out & get back into a stable mealplan. Drink your water.

    You already know what went wrong with you...

    Refocus, replan...Redo ...!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I dont know much.. but I do know that if you dont eat enough calories you wont loose anything. Your body will think your starving so It will hold onto everything it can. You need to plan your meals out... eating 5 meals a day keeps your metabolism constantly working, so you burn the food faster. Also drink tons of water!~!~! Have a glass when you first wake up, have a glass before each meal, and one a short while before bed. Fat molecules need the molecules that are in water to help break them down. If there is more water, your body will be able to break down more fat! Dont forget to workout!~!~! You want to start rebuilding those muscles and keeping them working for ya!~! Plus, muscle burns fat faster! CARDIO CARDIO!~!~! Run, jog, bike..whatever you like!~! 30 min a day, at least!~! (dont foreget a rest day) .

    You can do this. Its very discouraging.. but it works if you dont expect it to happen over night..... remeber, you want to be healthy AND sexy! I dont care how hot you are, if you cant stand up without fainting, whats the point!~!~!

    Good luck.
  • jwilds10

    After reading your post today, I may be able to give you a little advise. First let me tell you I am a personal trainer and have a minor in nutrition so I do know a little about this topic.
    You need to know tha there is no quick fix to losing weight, you didn't gain 11 pounds in 1 day your not going to lose 11 pounds in a day or even a week. You must start eating more, when I say more, I mean eating more healthy foods more frequently throughout the day every 2 to 3 hours small meals. Watch your portion sizes, no more than 300 calorie meals. Although you are eating less calories at each meal you are eating more frequently, keeping your metabolism burning constantly throughout the day.
    What you are doing now is forcing your body to go into starvation mode, your not getting enough calories and your body is holding on to whatever it can because it does not know when it's going to eat again.
    Again, make sensible choices, exercise daily, and strength train. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn througout the day. Muscle weighs more than fat but is smaller giving you a slim sleek figure.

    Hope this helps.
  • mrsknotts
    I gues what I'm most confused about is that I kept my calorie count at a certain number throughout my success and only used an excercise ball for my workouts. It used to be that if I didn't put it in my meal plan you couldn't pay me to eat it. Now all you have to do is show me a picture of it and I give in so easily! I'm going to try to slow down, get my mind right and hopefully this works. The stress I think makes me gain weight and then I stress out that I've gained weight. Vicious cycle is what that is.

    Thank you for all your suggestions I appreciate them all. My *kitten* will be in a bikini by June! I'm going to do it right and make it happen!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Over the last year I have lost close to 60pounds by severely restricting my diet

    By severely restricting your diet over the last year what exactly do you mean? Do you mean a very low calorie approach for an extended period of time?

    If so, you might not like what I have to tell you. Sadly, it does involve the term "starvation mode / response" as alluded to by the previous poster. You may simply have to accept that some of the weight you have previously lost you will regain and then implement a plan where you can get the weight off again sensibly and keep it off. What you have been doing before simply will not work in the long termand you are trapping yourself in a vicious cycle.
  • misschaplin
    I gues what I'm most confused about is that I kept my calorie count at a certain number throughout my success and only used an excercise ball for my workouts. It used to be that if I didn't put it in my meal plan you couldn't pay me to eat it. Now all you have to do is show me a picture of it and I give in so easily! I'm going to try to slow down, get my mind right and hopefully this works. The stress I think makes me gain weight and then I stress out that I've gained weight. Vicious cycle is what that is.

    Thank you for all your suggestions I appreciate them all. My *kitten* will be in a bikini by June! I'm going to do it right and make it happen!

    I have been in exactly the same place as you for months if not longer, in total over this period I have gained well over a stone and am miserbale, but it seems to more I gain the more I tell myself I dont care then the more I eat, the I restrict for 3 days and then binge and so on and so on and so on.
    I have now finally decided I have to do this properly, for a while I am going to use slim fast, so that I dont have to think about food during the day. Takes the pressure off me, and so far Im doing ok. I am also now going to do an hour of aerobics 3 times a week. I was trying for a quick fix and its just not going to work (sadly) So now I am looking to lose a stone by my holiday in the first week of may.

    I hope you can get out of this horrid place and start losing weight soon. horrid when we are miserable with ourselves.
    good luck and stay focused and strong