staying on track during vacation

dronette Posts: 15
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hey all,

I need some advice! I will be spending a week in Orlando with a group of friends. I am worried this week long vacation will ruin all of my hard work I have put into eating right and exercising. Any tips/ advice on eating out or healthy snacks to pack??


  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    just continue to track everything...(I text myself since I do not have a smart phone) hydrate hydrate hydrate and I am sure you will be walking more than normal... enjoy and have fun try not to over do and if you do the next day is a new day... it is about balance, not good and bad.... food is only a tool to fuel your body! have got this down and can do it!
    Have a great time!!!
  • vayax
    vayax Posts: 152 Member
    Are you going to the parks? you walk so much there that I don't think you'll have a problem!. The times I have gone I don't eat the healthiest but walk all day so I have never gain a pound while there!

    Anyway try to take some granola bars for snacking or buy some fruits at the park.... have a nice breakfast before going.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I would like some advice as well. I have a Floriday trip in 20 days:)

    My plan is to try and exercise in the mornings and I know I will be swimming and walking around a lot so I'm hoping that will make up for my evening workout when I cannot do it. Also, I know we are going to be able to cook in our condo so we are bringing our own food to grill. And of course we will try a couple of new restaurants so I plan on looking at the menu online ahead of time and see if I can find out the nutritional information. I am having one cheat day and it is the day we are going to a Cardinals' spring training I will still count my calories but will be consuming more than normal I'm sure.

    But if anyone else has better advice...please let us know!
  • iluvmine
    iluvmine Posts: 56 Member
    just enjoy your self and dont worry bout your diet.. drink a lot of watter and pack 100 calorie snacks and fruit..
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm gearing up for a week in New Orleans over Mardi Gras, so I'm with you.Here's my plan:

    1. KEEP MY FOOD JOURNAL! I won't have computer access, and I'm too much of a tightass for a phone with a dataplan to use the MFP app, so I'll log my meals (and drinks!) on paper and then enter them when I return. And I know that the act of writing things down-- even if I don't have the calorie counts in front of me-- will help keep me honest and think twice about really bad choices.

    2. REMEMBER THAT MY FRIENDS WANT TO MAKE GOOD CHOICES TOO! Truth is, I've found that the people I travel with usually want the same things I want health, fitness, and weight wise. We all want to have fun, we want to cut loose a bit, but we don't want to spend three weeks working off a week's worth of unwise food choices. When I remind myself that I'm not the only one who wants to eat healthy and stay active, then it doesn't seem like such a burden. (And this time, my travelling companions are both teensy weensy little chicas who eat like sparrows and work out like fiends anyway-- so I can learn from their behavior!)

    4. EXERCISE CAN BE PART OF THE FUN! Vacations for me usually mean lots of walking-- so I'm darned sure gonna count it! Yeah, it may be Bourbon Street or Disney World, but all that walking still counts! And I will look for opportunities to get in a bit of extra walking if the weather is nice-- a brisk walk around the neighborhood while the other two are showering and getting ready in the morning, for example.

    3. WATER IS MY FRIEND! Vacation is NOT the time to slack off on my water intake. Nope! In fact, I will travel with my own stylish water bottle, (empty when we go through TSA, of course) and be mindful about keeping hydrated--particularly when spending a lot of time out doors and drinking adult beverages!

    5. AIM TO MAINTAIN. Finally, I am giving myself some slack that week by not expecting to lose weight while I'm travelling,and not beating myself up if I don't. But I have also set a goal not to gain anything, either!
  • dronette
    dronette Posts: 15
    all great suggestions! Thanks to all of you!
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