Just wanna whine!

I had bunion surgery Dec 15, and just can't seem to get my act together! I had both feet done, and have had trouble with shoes (sometimes they fit, sometimes they don't.) I've had trouble with weather (sometimes I can get to the gym, sometimes not; not that that should be an excuse; I do have a stationary bike at home. It's just older and creakier than I am!) When I do set out with a plan for my week, I might end up on Tuesday with sore feet, which need to be babied for a day or so. I am losing, albeit slowly; my goal was for 5 pounds this month, and I've lost 2.5.
Oh, and I'm one of "those" who eats when she gets stressed, or depressed. I try eating healthy, good things, but, you know, those don't always work. It's usually just easier (-sigh-) to just not log in and record my food on "those" days.
and now we're coming into March, my least favorite month. I am trying really hard to think positive about this month, but, where I live, it's usually all about the mud and grey skies in March. Yeah! Nothing like that to keep your attitude positive. :ohwell:
Whine over.


  • tater8589
    St Johns Wort helps with depression (only if your not on birthcontrol, as it cancels it out) and some other foods that are healthy help, google stress reliving foods. Oh, also fish oil can help with depression and temperment. Just make sure to ask someone (at GNC or other reputable store) which one to take, some brands casue fishy burps and none of us want that-- yesh lol. I hope things get better for ya. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    PT, don't worry about whining here...if we haven't done it yet, our time is coming for sure. We'll all have our ups and downs...expect it. Just pick up where you left off. I had bunion surgery a bunch of years ago so I know how that is, sorta...I didn't have both feet done at once. I did one one year, and one the next. But, my advice to you (if you want it) would be to get on that bike and ride! It'll be easier on your feet than walking long distance or jogging for sure. Maybe you can find an inexpensive replacement on Craigslist or the paper? You know people purchased some for their New Year's resolutions and find them now sitting collecting dust. I wish you willpower, drive, perseverance and encouragement from this great group of people! DO log your foods on the bad days...maybe looking back, you'll find you weren't "bad" as much as you think. If you're loosing, you're doing something right. You didn't gain the weight overnight, don't expect to loose it overnight, especially when your opportunity for working out is limited right now. Hang in there and work up to your usual routine as you heal.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Can so relate to the not getting the act together. I was doing really well and then the back problems started. At first it was once in a while pain. Take a little time off and good to go. Now it has escalated to 24/7. Doctor is taking me seriously now. Lumbar MRI tonight after work. Had two cortisone shots Friday.

    Stress eater too. Been doing well with that though. February and March are my least fav months also. Cold, dreary and too much bad stuff has happened in the past and plus have SAD which does not help at all.

    You're losing, so that's a good thing. It will get better, Chin up...Sending yo a big HUG and a load of encouragement right now.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member

    I find it helps me to whine and moan from time to time - i call it emotional vomiting and I sometimes get projectile lol! but there are times when it is really really unproductive and it just keep me stuck!

    if you vomit then get on then it can be considered purging and helpful however if you just become more and more nauseated hey what's the point?

    so what kind of vomit-er are you???? good luck
  • ptrppl6
    Thanks all! Just needed to get that bad stuff outta me...and some good stuff in. Thanks for the good stuff!